
Showing posts from 2011

Music worth investing in.

I'm sitting here in my Gender Development class, listening to my feminist professor give a presentation (PowerPoint included) on Women's Studies and how the entire area of study isn't really helping women's rights or women's anything at all. I'm not a fan. Not a fan. So instead of actually paying attention, I decided to go through all the Genius Recommendations that the iTunes store had to offer me, and jot down all the artists that seemed interesting (basically whichever ones said "Similar to: Ingrid Michaelson/Sara Bareilles"). If anyone knows anything about any of these bands or artists, please comment below or Facebook me, and tell me what you think, and if their music is worth investing in. MATT WHITE YAEL NAIM RACHAEL YAMAGATA MARIE DIGBY THE CIVIL WARS SHE & HIM LUCY SCHWARTZ - Winter in June KATIE COSTELLO KERI NOBLE ALLISON WEISS KATIE HERZIG COMMUNIST DAUGHTER KT TUNSTALL SUFJAN STEVENS KATE VOEGELE THE HEREAFTER MADISON MISSY HIGG

Sara Bareilles makes me question my life choices.

I've given so much of myself to ensure that all my loved ones are happy, and I'm afraid I have nothing left to give to myself. The feeling of being empty is disconcerting. I am very blessed to have such wonderful, amazing people in my life and I love them all to pieces, and I would do anything for them. But sometimes giving up all you have for the people you care about makes you come up short when all you want to do is feel happy yourself. I give out more than I get back. And that isn't saying that my friends and loved ones aren't giving and generous, it just means that I am perhaps overly generous. A friend of mine pointed out to me the other day that I am incapable of loving only a little. This is probably true. No, this is definitely true. Why expend only a little energy? That doesn't seem fair. But in the same instance, the greater the love, the harder the fall, the greater the pain. Time to give back to myself a bit. I'm not really sure what that en

I do my best blogging in the PM's.

HEY YOU. .... Pay attention to me. I am a master at drawing attention. Bing bang boom. I do my best blogging in the PM's. That's when my thoughts run rampant and are usually never coherent. Which, duh, makes for the best blogs. I felt the urge to blog today because it was a momentous day in the history of this little thing we call Earth. (H'okay. So....) First of all, it was Veteran's Day. Now, I've never gone out of my way to celebrate this holiday except by keeping in mind what all of our Vets have done for this country. But today I got to do a little celebrating by doing what I do best: sangin'. I sang the National Anthem at the UWGB men's basketball game. My parents, as season ticket holders for the women's basketball season, have always told me that I need to get out on the court and sing the National Anthem, but I never knew how to go about it, how to get my name on whatever list that may exist for it, who to talk to about singing

Good times in the [Friend Zone.]

I am afeared that I have very little about which to write. This usually happens. I have all these thoughts and stories and jokes that I feel would make a fantastic blog post, but when all these things occur in my mind, do I ever  have a computer at hand to write them down? Of course not. And then I finally get to a computer, and I either don't remember what I wanted to write about or I have no good ideas. I will start with my current state of being. I'm watching MTV, and of course, there are no music videos playing, but rather a new show called "The Friend Zone," which is about people who have a certain friend with which they are friends, but they wish to be more, so MTV, being the kind-hearted, selfless people that they are, help these poor souls (call them person A) by putting them on TV and telling their love-interest (person B) that they are going to be the wingman for them on a blind date, but the blind date is actually all fake and the setup is really for pe

Back with a vengeance.

We meet again, blogosphere. I'm not going to lie, I don't know how coherent or entertaining this blog is going to be. I'm real distracted at the moment, but I've been meaning to blog for a long time now, and dammit, I plan on following through. The people must get what they want. I am eating cake. It was my birthday last week Thursday, and my mom's is the day after mine, so we have a plethora of baked goods left over from our joint celebration. (And by joint I mean conjoined...) So, here I am, eating cake, and watching Antiques Road Show with my parents while I put off studying for an exam that I have tomorrow. Yesterday I watched the Melissa McCarthy episode of SNL on Hulu. As I was waiting for it to buffer, I went to Subway to get dinner. I came home and ate while I watched the episode. It was all right, she's hilarious, but I think some of the skits were sort of strange and forgettable. When I clicked out of the video and back to the interwebs, I foun

Shameless plug.

HELLO BLOGOSPHERE!! I know it's been a while since I've blogged, things have been absolutely crazy, so I am slightly ashamed to say that my first blog since my last blog is going to shamelessly plug my musical, [title of show]. What is [title of show]? Get the <a href="">[title of show] Banner</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>) Get the &amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=""&amp;amp;amp;gt;[title of show] Banner&amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;gt; widget and many other &amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=""&amp;a

Waterpark Generalizations

I spent the weekend in Wisconsin Dells, and thought of a few things to share with you: 1) If you are an attractive man or woman with a technically good physique and do not enjoy being stared at, gawked at, or generally checked out, then you should not work at a place where your entire job is to stand around without any clothes on all day long. 2) Noah's Ark: An excuse for you to see your girlfriend half naked and wet for an entire day. 3) Men who have girlfriends, and often times when said girlfriend is sitting, standing, or walking hand in hand with them, WILL look at your boobs if you make eye contact in passing. ("Oh, you have eyes. Oh! You have boobs, too! I'm going to look at them quickly and hope you don't notice BYE!") 4) Everyone is a body builder, and if they're not, they're over the age of 60. Seriously. Even some children look like He-Man. 5) 80's classic rock ballads make an inappropriate waterpark soundtrack. 6) Wisconsin Dells

Harry Potter and That One Time Molly Weasley Called Bellatrix Lestrange a Bitch. (SPOILERS)

All right. I decided that I'm well overdue for a happy blog, since my last few have been rather depressing, and that's saying a lot since I have only really blogged twice in the last 2 or 3 months. And that is unacceptable. I apologize, blog-friends. Mmkay. So I would like to take this blog to discuss the final chapter in the Harry Potter movies. I have been greatly, greatly anticipating while simultaneously dreading this day. I love Harry Potter. I. LOVE. Harry Potter. During the week leading up to the midnight premiere, my friends Ross, Erin, Em (and for one night, Amy) and I all watched the HP movies from start to finish, except for Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince. We skipped over those because we weren't planning on watching any movies the day of the premiere (Thursday) so we thought it would be most beneficial to skip right to Deathly Hallows Part 1 so we'd be all up to speed. Come Thursday, Erin and Ross and I went to the mall to find the fini
I need to get away. For good. I have to go somewhere new where nobody knows who I am. So that I can start over fresh. I used to think that I could be happy being who I am forever. But who I am is not who I used to be.

Uncensored, uninhibited word vomit.

Prepare yourselves for uncensored, uninhibited word vomit. I feel like an idiot. I feel second best, most of the time. I don't think I can handle being turned down, or passed up, or what have you, one more time. There is always someone better than me. I've been doing pretty well up until right now, and for some reason, this feeling of dread and sadness just poured down over me and I can't keep my head above water. I'm sure this feeling will pass in the morning. But when it hits, it hits. And it stings. It's not a fun feeling. I feel like I've been putting it off, keeping it under control, putting it on the back burner. But it's still there. And when I feel like I might be free of it, something else happens that pushes me back under. Some of you know what I'm referring to, most of you don't. And it's better that way. I don't need to explain myself. I don't want to give someone the ego boost of knowing that they had an imp

A pretty lame blog. Wah.

So, here I am again, with an internet connection, and really, no real updates for you, blogizoids. I'm just doing laundry at my parents' house and watching Castle. This weekend wasn't too eventful. Friday consisted of a 6 hour workday, most of which was spent on the fairway mower. Afterwards, my mom came over and helped me (and when I say helped me I mean she did all of it) put up a lot of picture frames and photos on my walls. Then Kyle and I went to Goodwill to look for rain boots for me, and we wound up buying more than we planned to. That night, rehearsal for "Angels in America" was held at Laura and John's farm. We all sat at a table out on the porch, beverage (adult or not) in hand, and just recited our lines from beginning of the show to the end. It was rather fun. Midway through the run, John left to a destination unbeknownst to us, and about 20 minutes later he returned with a stack of pizzas in his arms, and when we were done with the line throu


Okay, people. Enough is enough. I was reading a very cool article about a Preble High School (my alma mater) graduate who is in the Tony winning Best Play "War Horse," which is pretty freakin' sweet. Kinda gives me hope that I, too, may someday be on The Broadway. But anyway, I guess Steven Speilberg is adapting the play for the big screen, which sounds good in writing, but then I read this: Spielberg is going to use REAL horses. The play "War Horse" uses incredibly and beautifully intricate horse puppets that look like the real deal, but the awesome and amazing part is that they're NOT the real deal. That's "War Horse"'s appeal. Remarkable. Another musical-turned-movie I'm hearing a lot about recently is "Rock of Ages." I've seen some production photos of Julianne Hough (meh), Russell Brand (acceptable), Alec Baldwin (ew..really?), and apparently Tom Cruise is joining the fun (VOMIT). What is going on?? I would

A short blip of a blog.

Hello, friends. I apologize for my lack of blogging. I will explain, as you so deserve a reason for this absence of hilarity in your life. Well really, there isn't much to explain. I moved into an apartment that has no internet as of right now. The apartment has a pool in the backyard, which isn't so much MY backyard as it is a courtyard for the entire complex of apartments and all the tenants who live in them. I've also been bombarded by a ginormous amount of business. I work every morning/afternoon, and after that I have rehearsals every night for "Angels in America". Plus, on some days, I have other rehearsals for a new musical between work and rehearsals for "Angels". But it is all very crazy and fun. I really don't have too much to say aside from that...that's very depressing. I'm sorry. I'm pretty exhausted from the move and from working and rehearsing at night. It might also have something to do with the fact that

Blog Vomit.

I'm trying to write a song. I'd like to write many songs. And someday I'd like to put them all together and make a little CD out of them. But I get distracted and then I end up watching the season finales of American Idol and Modern Family and the first episode of America's Next Top Model and then I wind up with a blank Word document and another notch on the slacker bedpost. That wasn't even a cliche. That was poor usage of a cliche. I'm definitely not using that in a song. Or maybe I should. "You're just another notch on the bedpost of life Because you're slacking off. That means you're lazy. And you're probably pretty ugly too. But that's just a rude assumption. I take it back. Yeah you're just a notch on the bedpost of life." There. Done. #1 record, here I come. I think if I were to actually write an entire album, it would turn out a lot like something Kimya Dawson would write. If you don't know who

100 posts and still going at a mildly mediocre strength!!!!

So, here she be, ladies and gents. My 100th blog post. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want something more like... MY 100TH BLOG POST!!!!!!!!!! ...that? You know, I kept debating whether to make this an occasion, a big deal, a huge, awesome blog about something really super cool, but in the spirit of tradition, I'm just gonna let my mind wander and see what comes of it, and perhaps we'll meet a few surprises on the way (and no, they're not cute men. Wah). Remember last year when I was doing all that spring cleaning, and finding loads of memories and deciding whether to throw them away or not? Well, I cleaned out my car this week, I mean, cleaned it. Even the trunk *GASP*. And I found these notebooks. I didn't really recognize them for what their subject matter may have been in their time of my using them, so I curiously flipped through the crinkled pages (they've been sitting in there for just about 2 years now) and was very pleasantly surprised with wh

Perhaps you heard?

I am almost to my 100th blog. It is earlier than I thought it was. It was not as late as I thought it was going to be. As I was watching "Brothers and Sisters" on ABC with my parents, a Special News Report interrupted what would have been a very dramatical scene toward the end of the episode between Ally McBeal and BeanPole McGee. "Must be something important if it's interrupting the show," my dad said, not really expecting much. But what they announced was actually quite shocking. Perhaps you heard? Osama bin Laden was killed. Someone tried to make the connection that Hitler also died on May 1, but according to what I gathered from the news, OBL was not killed today. He was killed sometime this week and it was just announced today? Could be wrong. My initial thoughts were, "Oh, wow!" It was like the day they captured an older, much hairier version of Saddam Hussein. So he's dead. So thousands of lives have been avenged for

Procrastination Station

Tell me to write a paper for a history class or a human development class, and I'll put it off till the last minute. Tell me I can direct a musical 5 months from now, and I'll get right on it. Oh, P.S. Kyle and I are directing [title of show] in September. No big deal.

I am a creature of Spring.

I hate that I always do my best thinking on the move. Why can't I write these things down and be mobile at the same time? Studio Arts Cafeteria smells like fart right now. That wasn't one of the thoughts I was speaking of. I walked around campus with Pat today, putting together a list of words to help us remember certain locations (or just plain ALL locations) for an extra credit assignment for class. It's a beautiful day outside, perfect for such an adventure. I am a creature of Spring. I think it's official now, now that I've been walking around in the sun, breathing the fresh air and working back on the course. I think happier thoughts when the weather is nicer. I feel like I can focus all of my energy of positive things, rather than bogging myself down with everything that's wrong with my life right now. But really, when you focus on the positives of life, how can you really have anything wrong with it? Except that maybe you're too ridiculously p

A New "Blog"inning

It's odd how things lead into other things which lead into many things. I was Skyping with Chelsea tonight, and we got on the topic of MySpace, which encouraged me to check out my own MySpace account, which hasn't been touched in a few years. I began to trace back my MySpace blog, when I actually used it, and was sent into my one of the most confusing, exciting, and passionate times of my entire life, simply by reading. And it got me thinking. As a blogger for Accidentally Hilarious, I have been trying so hard, too hard, to keep up a blog that would entertain the masses. Striving to write something that will make people read, and laugh. I have not been true to myself. These MySpace blog entries were so real. They were all very raw, and I held nothing back. I did not mention names, similar to what I do now, to protect the innocent (or not-so-innocent), but I sat down at my computer, and I simply wrote about my day, about whatever popped into my head as my fingers hit t

The most unconvincing April Fool's prank ever.

I, Molly LeCaptain of Accidentally Hilarious, am sad to tell you that I am dead. Last night, at precisely midnight, as I was skateboarding home from Candy Mountain, a rooster the size of an oak tree came out of the sky and scratched my face off, whereupon I bled to death. After that, some sewer rats scurried to my dead carcass and hoisted it away to my house, because they knew where I lived because the address is tattooed on my big toe. This is a most unfortunate event, because just before the incident I had been on the phone with my talent agent Arnold Schwarzenegger who told me that I had been cast as the lead in every single hit television show on right now, and that I would start filming tomorrow. Also, I bought the state of Florida and every flamingo living there and had them shipped to my house. They now reside in my bedroom, and my parents will be responsible for them until the doctors are able to revive my body from the dead, because before my phone call with Arnold Schwarz

Why the second Catherine, you ask? Well....

I'm lying in bed right now. It is roughly 2AM, and I've just arrived home after a fun night of karaoke. Here are the thoughts bouncing 'round in my head, keeping me from sleep: My full name is Molly Catherine Catherine LeCaptain. When I was in high school and was confirmed (you know, the whole church-y thing), we had to choose a confirmation name that we felt suited us best. They gave us a list of names and their meanings. My friend chose an exotic name that had something to do with music, and I wanted to choose a name that had some personal meaning too. Instead, I waited until the last minute when we needed to have a name chosen so that the plans could all be arranged in time for the actual confirmation day. Flustered, I thought to myself, "Well, my middle name is Catherine, that's about as personal as you can get without choosing your first name, right?" And so, I told the woman running our confirmation class that I had chosen Catherine to be my confirma

Crazy Snorm.

I apologize for my lack of blogs in the recent weeks. It just hasn't been much of a blog-worthy time, I suppose. Let me fill you in on some things that have happened since we've last seen each other: Not a whole lot. I'm doing a country show right now, which, in our first weekend of performances, went very well. At the end of the show we sing "God Bless the USA," and toward the end of the song people were standing up, some of them holding hands (because we all grab hands on stage). And to top it off, there's this epic moment where the music takes a dramatic beat and a drum crash, and the lights go black and then come back up a beat later when we come back in singing, and the whole audience stood up and started applauding then, because I guess they just couldn't wait until the song was over :) It was a wonderful moment in music. It's why I sing and perform. I feel as though I have a withdrawal headache, but there is nothing from which to be withdr


Tonight's dinner: Chicken wrap on a whole wheat (plus flax!) tortilla shell with: Chicken (duh) Lettuce Onions Green peppers (chopped by yours truly) Dijon mustard A smidge of garlic Shredded mozzarella cheese Raspberries. Water. Nom.  That's all. Peace. Molly

Very real thoughts from a usually reserved girl.

I hate this world. I hate this world because people will always want different things. There will always be opposing sides to every story, and no one will ever be right because we are all allowed our opinion. No matter how hard one party tries to overcome adversity, they never will as long as the majority opposes their opinion. There will always be people like Charlie Sheen who think that going on crazy drug-induced rampages is funny, and there will always be followers of people like him who don't deserve one minute of spotlight, and yet, he gets it. He gets a lot of it. He gets hour-long blocks of TV specials hosted by Dr. Drew about all the ways that Charlie Sheen is "losing" which is supposed to give us insight on how bad this person is, when in reality, it's only fueling the publicity and Mr. Sheen's desire to stay in the spotlight and prove everyone wrong about his state of mind. There will always be terrible things happening all over the world, and som

Stretchy McGee

Into the second week of gym activity, aside from the weekends, I've been going every day. Also, a little over 3 weeks sober from soda. No major changes in physical appearance yet, but the lifestyle changes are most definitely set and in place. I've also begun a new stretching regimen that will hopefully make my limited legs a little more limber in the matter of a year. (See what I did there? Nice alliteration. Don't know what alliteration means? Look it up.) The reason for my stretching? It was announced this week that the university is going to be putting on the musical Cabaret  next April, and it will be performed on the Weidner Center stage. For those of you reading this who don't know, the Weidner Center is an amazing facility that's harbored some incredible theatre events in its time, including The Phantom of the Opera, Thoroughly Modern Millie , The Music Man, Oliver! , and most recently, Spamalot . It's also presented a number of famous comedians and

A Few Tips for Gym Newbs, from a Gym Newb. Newb.

Today's dinner: Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with Lettuce Mustard A little onion A teeny-tiny bit of minced garlic for flavor. (I couldn't decide what I wanted to put on it and I put the garlic on before I realized we had an onion in the fridge) Strawberries Sugar snap peas Water Yes, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in my life, I am going on a diet. It's not so much because I want to lose weight (although I do), I just want to start eating better, so I've signed up for's Body by Glamour program. They give you helpful tips on what to eat and what to avoid on a week-by-week basis. Of course, this means I'm going to have to request new foods for the refrigerator next trip to the grocer, but they're all food that we'll all eat anyway. Things like tortillas, that we would normally use for tacos, but instead of normal tortillas, they'll be whole-wheat tortillas. I'm sort of excited to get started and keep going.  I'