Good times in the [Friend Zone.]

I am afeared that I have very little about which to write. This usually happens. I have all these thoughts and stories and jokes that I feel would make a fantastic blog post, but when all these things occur in my mind, do I ever have a computer at hand to write them down? Of course not. And then I finally get to a computer, and I either don't remember what I wanted to write about or I have no good ideas.

I will start with my current state of being.

I'm watching MTV, and of course, there are no music videos playing, but rather a new show called "The Friend Zone," which is about people who have a certain friend with which they are friends, but they wish to be more, so MTV, being the kind-hearted, selfless people that they are, help these poor souls (call them person A) by putting them on TV and telling their love-interest (person B) that they are going to be the wingman for them on a blind date, but the blind date is actually all fake and the setup is really for person A to make an ass of themselves by surprising person B, telling them that the date is actually for them....follow me? I don't. But I'm going to continue anyway.

First off, the "confessional" setting (you know, the person sits in a room and talks to the camera about the goings on of the show), is a dark room, with horrible lighting. So rather than listening to them speak, I wind up freaking out about how absolutely creepy they are, sitting and talking into a camera that seems to be just inches from their dim, shadowed face. It's all very "Blair Witch Project."

Way to go, MTV.

Second of all, when you put a camera in front of a person and then put them in an awkward situation where they would look like a dick if they said no.....they're gonna say yes. Regardless of their real feelings.

This is a lame-ass blog. Sorry everyone. Especially you, "anonymous" person who comments on my blogs about how I don't write frequently anymore. I think I have an inkling of who this person is........methinks.

Anyway, I'm gonna go stuff my face with either ice cream or a cupcake.

Remember that time I was on a diet? Haha. Yeah. Me too. Good times.

Later days.



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