Sara Bareilles makes me question my life choices.

I've given so much of myself to ensure that all my loved ones are happy, and I'm afraid I have nothing left to give to myself.

The feeling of being empty is disconcerting.

I am very blessed to have such wonderful, amazing people in my life and I love them all to pieces, and I would do anything for them. But sometimes giving up all you have for the people you care about makes you come up short when all you want to do is feel happy yourself. I give out more than I get back. And that isn't saying that my friends and loved ones aren't giving and generous, it just means that I am perhaps overly generous.

A friend of mine pointed out to me the other day that I am incapable of loving only a little. This is probably true. No, this is definitely true. Why expend only a little energy? That doesn't seem fair. But in the same instance, the greater the love, the harder the fall, the greater the pain.

Time to give back to myself a bit. I'm not really sure what that entails, but I'm going to try to figure it out. 'Tis the season, after all.

This isn't going to be posted on the book of faces, because...I don't feel like posting it. So if you find this, lucky you.

Later days,



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