Harry Potter and That One Time Molly Weasley Called Bellatrix Lestrange a Bitch. (SPOILERS)

All right. I decided that I'm well overdue for a happy blog, since my last few have been rather depressing, and that's saying a lot since I have only really blogged twice in the last 2 or 3 months. And that is unacceptable. I apologize, blog-friends.

Mmkay. So I would like to take this blog to discuss the final chapter in the Harry Potter movies.

I have been greatly, greatly anticipating while simultaneously dreading this day. I love Harry Potter.

I. LOVE. Harry Potter.

During the week leading up to the midnight premiere, my friends Ross, Erin, Em (and for one night, Amy) and I all watched the HP movies from start to finish, except for Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince. We skipped over those because we weren't planning on watching any movies the day of the premiere (Thursday) so we thought it would be most beneficial to skip right to Deathly Hallows Part 1 so we'd be all up to speed.

Come Thursday, Erin and Ross and I went to the mall to find the finishing touches for our costumes that we would be proudly wearing that evening. Erin and I found Harry Potter pen/wands, which sufficed wonderfully, and kept us quite entertained while walking around the mall afterward, casting spells at everything we saw. ("Accio boyfriend. Oh, wait...shit.")

Then we went to Goodwill so that I could find a proper black skirt, an appropriate Crookshanks and some knee-high socks, and so Ross could find some sort of Snape-y shirt. I found the skirt and the socks, but I had no luck with finding a better cat than the one I found at home, and Ross ended up getting a shirt from home.

So we went to Noodles to get food to bring back with us to eat while we got dressed up. There were people there who recognized my Gryffindor tie and told us to have fun at the premiere.

Getting ready was fun and simple, since all we had to do was put on the costumes and straighten Ross' hair.

We arrived at the theater at 9:30ish, and the line of Potter-freaks was wrapped nearly all the way around the building. We were actually one of the few groups who'd dressed up. Though I will say, the best costumes were these:

1) The Hogwarts Express: 3 guys wearing red cardboard boxes and little cardboard wheels attached to their ankles.
2) Jesus
3) Bobafet

Yeah. The last two just made me laugh hysterically. I love the rebellion.

While sitting in the theater, Mike Roderique came in (he was in a different theater than us) and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA" at the top of his lungs. I died a little.

Scroll down to continue reading non-spoily blog-ness.

These are my thoughts on the film.

  • My favorite part in the book was the chapter that revealed why Snape hated Harry so much. (If you want to call it "hate".) It was also my favorite part in the movie, and also the scene that started my crying for the rest of the film. Seeing Alan Rickman bawling his eyes out over the body of the woman he loved but never got to be with not only tugged at my heartstrings, it tore them out with a chainsaw and then ate them and pooped them out. Or something to that extent.
  • I loved the Hogwarts scenes. The school that we've seen Harry and the others growing up in was now a dark and very dangerous place, and it was perfect in movie-form. 
  • When Snape is asking all the students to come forward if they have been helping Harry Potter, and Harry himself comes forward dressed in his school robes, and says, "How dare you stand where he stood?" and then the rest of the Order appears behind him. LOVE IT.
  • "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH." The line we'd all been waiting for, and pretty sure when we knew it was coming, Erin, Ross and I all excitedly grappled for each others hands and applauded wildly after she said it. 
  • Another hoot 'n holler moment was the kiss between Ron and Hermione. Not only was it a perfect tension-breaker, it was also hilarious and long-awaited. 
  • I cried during these parts:
    • As I mentioned, Snape's memories.
    • Harry tells Hermione and Ron that he is going to go let Voldemort kill him/Hermione's reaction to it.
    • Harry speaks to the spirits of his parents, Sirius and Lupin. He says, "Will you stay with me?" and Lily says, "We never left."
    • Neville's big speech.
    • The end when Harry, Ron and Hermione are all standing on the bridge, holding hands, taking everything in.
    • The epilogue. It's over!?!? :(
Can we just talk about Neville Longbottom for a second? 

FIRST OF ALL, when did he become a huge STUD MUFFIN??? He was my favorite character in the book. Hell yeah, Neville. Hell yeah.

You can take your fingers out of your ears now.

Ugh. It was perfect. 


And now it's over. Over in the sense that I will never again be able to dress up like Hermione or Ron or Ginny and go to the movie theater at midnight to see another Harry Potter film. 

That's about all I've got on that subject. 

Random Ravenclaw, Professor Snape, and Hermione Granger in the hiz-oooouse!
Now it's time to go to Heid music to search for a proper guitar stand, and some music to learn. And then to go to school to run through some music that I soon must teach. Odd. 

Love to you all. Hopefully my blogging will become a little more frequent. But I can't promise anything.




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