Crazy Snorm.

I apologize for my lack of blogs in the recent weeks. It just hasn't been much of a blog-worthy time, I suppose. Let me fill you in on some things that have happened since we've last seen each other:

Not a whole lot.

I'm doing a country show right now, which, in our first weekend of performances, went very well. At the end of the show we sing "God Bless the USA," and toward the end of the song people were standing up, some of them holding hands (because we all grab hands on stage). And to top it off, there's this epic moment where the music takes a dramatic beat and a drum crash, and the lights go black and then come back up a beat later when we come back in singing, and the whole audience stood up and started applauding then, because I guess they just couldn't wait until the song was over :) It was a wonderful moment in music. It's why I sing and perform.

I feel as though I have a withdrawal headache, but there is nothing from which to be withdrawing. Or is there?

There was a massive snorm last night. I'm coining the term snorm. It's a snow storm. Not a snowstorm, but a snow storm - a mix between a blizzard and a thunderstorm. The wind was blowing the snow every which way, and every so often a crack of lightning would illuminate the sky so brightly that it would look like day time for a split second or two. And then of course the thunder followed. My house rumbled. It was crazy. Crazy snorm.

I'm looking at apartments to live in. As much as I love my parents, I'd like to be able to leave my house without being asked where I'm going and whether or not I'll be coming back.

So I'm watching this interview with Ingrid Michaelson on some CBS YouTube video thing. The interviewer seems very young and very inexperienced. And if she's experienced, then she just sucks at her job. But anyway, she asked Ingrid if there are any artists she'd like to work with in the future, and Ingrid says, "Yeah, actually do you know who Imogen Heap is?" I know I do. But the interviewer says, "I'm not very good with music, I only listen to Top 40." She pauses, realizes for a brief second that Ingrid Michaelson started out as an indie artist, and would probably still identify as an indie artist and not so much Top 40. So the girl interjects quickly with, "Which means you!" Ingrid, who seems kind of annoyed with the whole interview already, just brushed it off and kept trying to explain who Imogen Heap is (Jason DeRulo's song in which he sampled "Hide and Seek") and the girl still had no idea.

She just said her album will be done in March and hopefully released in June. This excites me greatly. Woot.

Now she's talking about how her appearance has changed. She's recognizable for wearing very thick black rimmed glasses, and when she didn't wear them in one of her videos some of her fans went crazy and then said she was changing her image. And also, she lost 10 lbs. recently and her fans said she's getting too skinny. ("No, I'm healthy," she said back.)

She totally hated that interview. The girl interviewing her ended with, "Well thanks I really liked meeting you now I know why all your fans love you so much." (More or less.) She could have at least taken the time to listen to some of Ingrid's music before meeting her.

Watch the interview here.

Maybe it was just me, but the news girl just seemed very...not so what she should be. Or something.

That's about all I have now. I'm looking up Jesca Hoop because Ingrid mentioned her in the interview I've spent so much time discussing.

Goodnight world. I missed you.

Peace and Love.



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