Very real thoughts from a usually reserved girl.

I hate this world.

I hate this world because people will always want different things. There will always be opposing sides to every story, and no one will ever be right because we are all allowed our opinion. No matter how hard one party tries to overcome adversity, they never will as long as the majority opposes their opinion.

There will always be people like Charlie Sheen who think that going on crazy drug-induced rampages is funny, and there will always be followers of people like him who don't deserve one minute of spotlight, and yet, he gets it. He gets a lot of it. He gets hour-long blocks of TV specials hosted by Dr. Drew about all the ways that Charlie Sheen is "losing" which is supposed to give us insight on how bad this person is, when in reality, it's only fueling the publicity and Mr. Sheen's desire to stay in the spotlight and prove everyone wrong about his state of mind.

There will always be terrible things happening all over the world, and some of them go completely unnoticed. Such terrible disasters like a tsunami wiping out Japan will be all over the news, and yet Facebook and Twitter are full of updates saying, "Can't wait for my spring vacation! Yay lolzorz!" when all I want to do is go out to Japan and give all the blood I have to help out in any way that I can. Just as I wanted to go out to volunteer all my time to clean all of the animal oil spill victims. We are blind. We only see what pertains to us, and I am SICK OF IT.

Our own measly problems are not the worst thing that are happening right now. There are people suffering, dying, and grieving out there and all we do is sit on our couches and watch Teen Mom and Days of Our Lives. The only thing holding me back from going everywhere I ever wanted to go in this world is, of course, money. There is no way I could ever afford to fly to Japan on a whim, let alone drive across the state to visit my sister and brother-in-law for the weekend. And so I am forced to sit here and watch footage of an entire country being engulfed by a huge body of water, footage that looks more like a movie trailer for an epic disaster film. But it is REAL. And it is frightening.

I hate this world.

I hate it because there will always be people like Scott Walker who are too stubborn to change their minds because they think that what they are doing is right. They will not negotiate. Not even a little bit.  Though there are thousands of people standing outside their door BEGGING to be heard, and doing it PEACEFULLY, no, they will not listen. It's as if Scott Walker is plugging his ears and saying, "La la la la la I can't hear you! La la la la!" Because the protestors are wrong. Because THEY are the MINORITY. Because HE was voted into office and so now HE gets to make the decisions. As long as there is a majority, the minority will never win. The part that upsets isn't the fact that this bill passed, it's the fact that the angry state workers and teachers and union members of the state did not get the time of day that they deserve to have in a DEMOCRACY. I hate this world.

I hate that there are people who care so much about themselves, seemingly people like Mr. Walker, that they don't give a flying f*ck about anyone else. They won't give them the time of day. There are people who, only when they need something, will they require the services of others.

There are people who do nothing but give, and those people rarely make news. Because we, as a collective 'we', only care to see peoples' downfall, to see people hit rock bottom, and to watch them burn, rather than to see the people who make a difference in this world. The people who go out of their way to do good for others. The people who are selfless, and would do anything for the people that they love. And the people who are so selfless that they would do anything for the people they call strangers.

I hate this world.

Even as I'm writing this, I'm browsing through Twitter (another thing I loathe and yet, I cannot avoid, much like our world's obsession with Facebook), and finding that people are trying to compare the Japan Tsunami/Earthquake to Hurricane Katrina. It's not about us, America. It's not about us at all. God damn.

I hate this world.

Angry? Yes.
Overreacting? Maybe.
Wrong? No.

I wish that for once, good will overcome the evil in the world. But that will never happen, because there are differing opinions of what is good and what is evil. And everyone is too stubborn to give up their opinion to join that of the opposing side.

I apologize for my lack of accidental hilarity today, but honestly, world, there is no reason for humor today. We can try as we may, but there are people out there who need us.

Let's pray for peace, and for Japan.



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