Don't Be A Drag...

I need to vent about this before it leaves my brain.

I was watching the "Born This Way" video again, just to sort of wrap my head around what the heck is going on in it, when I saw that one of the Highest Rated Comments said this:


What a ridiculous thing to say. And I'm not talking about the bulk of the comment. I'm referring to the third word. Lady Gaga is not only a perfect example of being true to yourself, but is also strongly against bullying and is pro-equality. Clearly, a true Gaga fan would know that, and would refrain from using such a hateful word. I hate that word. I never use it. It burns coming out of my mouth. I don't even like seeing it up there on the top of the screen, even in quotations.

So, I responded as such:

ME: "@"YouTubeName" I think that calling people the F word is a perfect example of what this song and Lady Gaga are against."

To which I got a rather nasty response from a completely random person:

YOUTUBE JERK: @gimmeabeat29 lol, did you really just refer to "fuck" as the "f word" on the fucking internet, what are you? five? please stfu because this song is about respecting yourself and loving yourself the way you are, not about not insulting people, dumbass

First of all, learn how to write. Abbreviations make you look five. Not me. Second, learn how to read. If you knew how to read, you'd have seen that I was A) responding to someone's comment which I believed to be uncalled for, and B) not putting anyone down because I said that Lady Gaga and her song were against insulting people.

So I said this, after much debate whether I should even give them the time of day or not:

ME: "@YouTubeJerk Actually, I wasn't referring to the word Fuck. I was referring to the word Faggot, which I hate to use. If you'd have seen the comment I was responding to, you would have picked up on that. You can't use the words "respect" and "dumbass" in the same sentence. Thanks."

And now I can't get my font back to normal. This is not turning out to be a good night. 

There. I think I fixed it. 

I only bring all this up because the things I say usually don't evoke such angry responses, especially ones where the responder goes as far as to insult me by calling me names. That is exactly what I was trying to point out in the first place. 

Some people's children, I tell you. God. I'm ashamed, sometimes, to say that I'm human. 

I want to go into a rant about Lady Gaga's new video, the one which sparked all this controversy in my pre-sleep preparations, but I really do want to get some sleep. Plus, the indentation in this blog is messed because of the quotes I pasted in here from YouTube. It's angering me greatly. 

I'll go a bit into the video now. I've been requested by a "source". 

NOTE: The following statements are my opinions, something I am allowed to have. If you are offended by any of these opinions, please don't yell at me. Write your own blog and tell me what YOU think of the video.

I will say this first: It's Gaga. With every music video she's released since "Just Dance," she's outdone herself in strangeness and oddities, and by the time she gave us "Paparazzi," she had people scratching their heads and raising their eyebrows going, "Huh?" and for every video after that, these things that she gives us are normal. For her. Because it's Lady Gaga. Why expect less than completely f*cked up? 

The opening is interesting. It's a good concept, that she "gave birth" to this race of "Little Monsters", which are her fans and followers. It's just all the goo and secretions that make me think that this is a little too much. When the alien nurses are pulling the new beings out of Lady Gaga's nether-region, and then pull their hands out of her vajayjay and wipe the goop on her thighs, I kind of die a little bit inside. It's a little unnecessary and I'm not sure I like it?

There has been a little controversy based on the fact that Gaga is making herself God, or godlike. I even saw someone on YouTube go as far to say that she used to like Gaga, but after seeing this, she feels she herself will go to hell because Gaga is a demon in a human form, and that now she hates her. I think this might be a little bit of an overreaction. First of all, she (Gaga) is supposed to be in a completely different part of the universe and is giving birth to a new race, or species even. Yes, she pulls a machine gun out of her vagina, but that doesn't make her Satan. Secondly, not everyone believes in God. So, just look past it, mmkay?

I think that when the song actually starts, and she's just walking around and dancing in her bikini, is great. Lady Gaga is a beautiful woman, and she has every right to run around more-than-half naked if she bloody well pleases. Now, the horns and creepy pointed shoulders are too much for me. It's not my cup of tea, but if that's what floats your boat, all right. But here's my thing with it:

If you're preaching about being yourself and loving who you are the way God made you, then why alter your appearance? She's been going to interviews and out in public and to performances with these same horns and shoulders. I'm sure she's trying to say that it's okay to be freaks, because really, aren't we all a little freaky? But if it were me who had written this song, I probably would have gone a little more organic. But, this is Lady Gaga. And she doesn't play 'normal'. 

Now, this is the part that really made me go, "UUUhhhMMMM...." When she comes out in a tux with a skeleton face and a ginormous pink ponytail and starts gyrating on another skeleton faced man. This is the "evil" Gaga, no? It's just a smidge awkward. And very random. Hm.

Oh, and the Gaga with short hair and her head coming out of the table and her boobs and privates all taped, not a good look. But that's just me.

So, this is pretty much my opinion on the whole thing overall. To sum it up, I DO like the video, it has high entertainment value and I enjoyed having a laugh and sparking a few good conversations with friends, discussing what it could mean. That's grounds for a good video. But I also believe that she may be steering away from the music, and veering more toward the entertainment value of her work, and doing things merely to outdo herself. I'm looking forward to see what she gives us in the near future. 

Like I said, don't tear my head off if you are the greatest and most faithfully devoted Gaga fan in the world. You're allowed your opinions, I'm allowed mine. Let's respect each other, okay? Okay!

I wonder how long it will be before horns and pointy joints will become a "thing"?

Goodnight, little monsters.



UPDATE: Just received a YouTube personal message from the person who called me a dumbass. They said that yes, they can use the words 'dumbass' and 'respect' in the same sentence, as in, "I respect my father, dumbass," and ended the lovely message with: "Bam. Get owned."

Speechless. I give up on humanity. 

I'm not going to retaliate this time, as much as I wanted to just reply with:





Thank you!

Just to be that person, the one who takes everything and turns the other cheek, just to piss people off. 

Obviously this person doesn't see the point I was making. Of course, you can physically use the words "dumbass" and "respect" in the same sentence, but you cancel them out by using them together. You can't be hurtful and respectful at the same time. Oy. 


  1. Watched the video, I would like to start off by saying, WTF just happened? My second reaction to the video is, holy cow, that is disgusting. Third, what is up with her shoes? They confused me the entire video, not sure how they are classified. And lastly, I was appreciative because you just don't see that much work put into videos anymore.


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