More than you probably really wanted to know about my Christmas.

Things I am no good at:

  • Purling
  • Belching
  • The worm
  • Time management
  • Science
  • Video games
  • Double tasking (this is task dependent, of course)
  • Not thinking baby animals are cute
  • Golf
  • Lying
  • Being normal

Things I am pretty darn good at:

  • Blogging
  • Buying things I usually don't need
  • Sleeping
  • Liking pink
  • Hating Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Nickelback, and country music in general
  • Eating tasty food
  • Laughing
  • Keeping secrets
  • Hugging
  • Love
  • Ukulele (ish)
  • Music
  • Procrastinating
  • Being funny
  • Being awkward
  • Loving the song "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo" by TSO
  • Dancing around like a crazy person to aforementioned song
  • Confusing the hell out of people
  • Making weird noises, like baby crying
  • Giving advice
  • Being patient
  • Being loyal
  • Having fun
  • Naming things (i.e. a bear named BearBear, a monkey - MonkMonk, a flamingo - MingMing...)
  • Smiling
  • Staying true to who I am

The bad's came before the good's merely because I was freshly frustrated at how bad I am at purling (which is a form of knitting). I was trying to learn with all these horrible online instructions and videos, none of which helped, and I wound up with an ugly mass of purple yarn twisted up around a needle and I had to start over 3 times before giving up, defeated. I don't know why I decided to create an entire blog about it. But at least the good outweigh the bad, eh? Eh. 

The best Christmas song ever: "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo" by Transiberian Orchestra
The worst Christmas song ever: "Feliz Navidad" by some dude who really likes the words Feliz Navidad

The best Christmas movie ever: Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey (live action film version)
The worst Christmas movie ever: Is there a movie with the song "Feliz Navidad" in it? If there is, it's that one.

Best Christmas movie that nobody knows about: Jim Henson's The Christmas Toy
Christmas movie that nobody should know about: Jim Henson's The Christmas Toy

Nicest person of the year award and deserves a nice present for Christmas: My parents for putting up with me all year
Person who deserves to be clubbed and dragged into the woods by Krampus: Sarah Palin. Let's just get her out of the way right now.

If you don't know who Krampus is, look him up on Wikipedia right now.

Best Christmas tradition ever: Putting out a lawn flamingo for every day 13 days before Christmas.
Most random Christmas tradition ever: Putting out a lawn flamingo for every day 13 days before Christmas.

Worst Christmas song singer and ruins all Christmas songs: A tie between Amy Grant and Karen Carpenter.
Even worse Christmas song singer: Aaron Neville. Meh-eh-eh-eh-eh ree-ee-ee-ee Chri-ih-ih-ih-ihs ma-ha-ha-ha-has. 

My most recent Christmas song gem discovery: "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" by Maroon 5.

My Christmas song guilty pleasure: "Christmas Tree" by Lady Gaga. (Duh.)

My best Christmas present: That's a trick question. I don't know if I could choose. I've gotten lots of nice things, but none of them should really stand out as a favorite. It's the thought that counts. HWARF. 

Favorite Christmas song to sing: O Holy Night

A memorable Christmas...memory...: All the cousins getting picture frames with the preset picture of strangers in them and making up stories for all of the people, like how they were all the same person but throughout different stages of life (baby, teen, adult, grandma)....this took up a good 20 minutes, okay? It was funny. I was tempted to leave that lady in her wedding dress in the frame forever. 

Another Christmas memory and tradition: The cousins gathering in the living room by the tree on Christmas Eve night, waiting to open presents, and playing "I Spy" on the Christmas tree to pass the time (and hopefully give the adults the hint that we were ready to start opening...). "I spy something green..." "Molly, you can't pick the tree." 

It's a bit weird that now I guess I would be considered one of the adults. We definitely don't sit by the tree in agonizing anticipation waiting to open presents anymore. Now, the younger kids in the family have taken our places and play games in the living room and plink, plank, plunk on the way-out-of-tune piano. 

So that's about enough of me rambling on about my Christmas. Got any weird Christmas traditions? Leave 'em in the comments below. I'm interested to hear if anyone can top the flamingo thing. Don't be shy, now.

Merry Christmas, everybody.




  1. Molly no one can top the flamingo thing. haha. Also, I'm quite an expert purler. If you'd like, I'd be glad to teach you how when I'm home next we. :-)


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