I hate that I always do my best thinking on the move. Why can't I write these things down and be mobile at the same time? Studio Arts Cafeteria smells like fart right now. That wasn't one of the thoughts I was speaking of. I walked around campus with Pat today, putting together a list of words to help us remember certain locations (or just plain ALL locations) for an extra credit assignment for class. It's a beautiful day outside, perfect for such an adventure. I am a creature of Spring. I think it's official now, now that I've been walking around in the sun, breathing the fresh air and working back on the course. I think happier thoughts when the weather is nicer. I feel like I can focus all of my energy of positive things, rather than bogging myself down with everything that's wrong with my life right now. But really, when you focus on the positives of life, how can you really have anything wrong with it? Except that maybe you're too ridiculously p...
I hope that Megan has a hairy chin someday lol.... or not would probably be better.