The feast of a Christmas pizza.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone.

I don't know why I'm blogging. It seems I've got nothing else to do until tonight. Don't worry, it's not as though I'm missing out on any exciting family Christmas traditions or activities, my dad and I are sitting here in the family room watching really bad Ben Stiller movies and my mom just popped a frozen pizza into the oven.

Sounds charming, doesn't it?

The LeCaptain family Christmas has never really been one of grandeur or great measure. That doesn't mean to say it isn't fun or doesn't mean anything. It's one of the only times of the year (along with Thanksgiving) that the entire clan gathers together to celebrate while sitting around a table full of hors d'oeuvres and cookies, while A Christmas Story plays in the living room and the tree hovers over all the presents until the children start ripping them open. 'Tis an exciting time.

Nah, really. I'm making it seem like I don't enjoy it. I do.

I have this strange pain in my back, right where my neck meets my shoulder. It's not so much a pain as it is a discomfort. I can't seem to get rid of it. Bah humbug.

I smell frozen pizza wafting in from the kitchen. Mmmm. Christmas.

I'm singing "Christmas Lullaby" from Songs for a New World at church tonight. It's kind of an odd Christmas song, but I guess it got a pretty good response last year, and "O Holy Night" was taken, once again, so "Christmas Lullaby" it is.

I want to have a recital. I want to learn music, and sing songs in front of an audience. I don't want to do it for self-gain, or to show off. I want to do it because I love to do it, and I want to show people what I've learned in these almost five years of college. If wanting to do something that most other music students are required to do makes me a bad theatre student, then...I don't even know what to say to that. Theatre is all about ensemble work. I understand that, but as a theatre student with an emphasis in music, I'd like to squeeze as much of the music aspect out of my education as I can. Like a big ol' orange. Not having the support of the people who are supposed to be guiding me toward the real world in this business (and eventually a graduation) is very discouraging, but not disabling.

*Steps down from the soapbox*

Excuse me, I need to go grab some Christmas pizza.




  1. They won't let you have a recital??? WTF???

    Let me know when you'd think about having it, we can make it into a "cabaret"... and I can sing one duet with you, and the rest can be just you ♥


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