I was a special child...

The mind of a child is a funny thing. It can take something really great, and build it up to something really awesome. It can believe that something fictional is very real. And it can twist something simple into something absolutely terrifying.

Or maybe it was just my mind...

I think I was 5 years old when I went to the library the day the fire department came for an educational visit. We were just there to rent books, but when it was announced that the fire department would be speaking briefly at the back of the building, the people I was with decided it would be nice to go check it out. I remember pretty vehemently not wanting to do this.

When we got out back, there was a giant firetruck and a dozen men standing around, dressed in their uniforms. As if that weren't intimidating enough for a young child. There were lots of kids gathered around with their parents, waiting in anticipation to hear all about the world of fighting fires and saving lives.

The Chief of the department started speaking, and it couldn't have been five minutes into his speech that I went from curious, to absolutely mortified.

Now, the details are blurry because I was so young and, honestly, I don't think anyone can vividly remember details from that age, but this is how I remember the incident:



Horrified at what was surely going to be a slow and fiery death, I clutched onto the woman who had brought me to the library, and started bawling. I really, truly believed that I was going to be dragged into a burning building by a scary fireman to save a goldfish.

Probably out of mere embarrassed, my chaperone took me back into the library away from the truck and the men who were supposedly going to kill me. I don't know if she ever knew why I burst into tears that day.

Needless to say, I've never wanted to be a firefighter, and this is probably why. I laugh thinking back on it now. This may seem like an overly dramatic and exaggerated interpretation of what my young mind concocted at the time, but from what I remember, this is really quite accurate. Not joking. The flames were there and everything. In my mind, of course. But I truly believed they were there!

I was a special child...




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