Something something Black Swan something something something lesbians.

I really need to start blogging when I have the impulse to blog when the ideas are still running around in my head, instead of waiting till 20 minutes later when they're all pooped out and leaning against the wall, trying to catch their breath before making the next six laps, and already their teeth feel like they're all going to fall out and there's a taste of blood in their mouth, a stabbing pain in their side and their lungs feel like lead.....

What you just read was exactly what it was like for me to run a mile in high school.

All metaphors aside, really. The ideas were there, and now I'm not sure how fresh they are....

Before I go into some other metaphor about freshness, I'll get to the point.

Tonight I saw Black Swan. I didn't know too much about it, just that I'd heard some people say, "Oh it's a ballet movie with Natalie Portman," and things of that nature, so I decided to see if it was playing in my city, and of course, it wasn't. So I watched the trailer, and lo and behold, this is a thriller? That was a surprise. After viewing the trailer and feeling a little creeped out, I saw that it was opening in Green Bay tomorrow (today in real-life time) and I decided that it was mandatory that I go see it.

So the next day ( get the idea), after doing a whole lot of nothing, I banded together a group of people to go see it, and we were a marvelous, glorious group of people, and there was much rejoicing when we walked into the theater, and people bowed at our feet and threw ... presents. Because it's Christmas. Or something.

No, it was just a normal group of weirdos, like we are, and of course, I smuggled in a whole bunch of food because I hate paying for overpriced movie theater food (except when I have gift cards!). There were Junior Mints, Swedish Fish, Pop Rocks, and even Christmas cookies. That weren't very Christmassy. (My mom uses all the cookie cutters when making Christmas cookies, and I'm pretty sure that only 3 of them are Christmas-related. Otherwise there are chickens, dog bones, and miscellaneous shapes.)

So, without spoiling anything important, I will say that this movie is all sorts of crazy. Natalie Portman is really natural in her role, which gets really eerie after a while because,'s just weird how she eases into the whole Black Swan part of it all. Like it's nothing. The costumes were really beautiful, the score was great and used very creatively, and the plot was

Oh, and boys, if you're thinking, "Meh, it's a girly ballet movie. I don't like girly ballet movies. Mer," then I will tell you that there is lesbian-action and masturbation. Consider yourself convinced.

So, after my mind was raped, once again (ahem INCEPTION), we left the theater, ate more cookies, and I ventured out onto my quest home.

Sometimes, as I've mentioned in earlier posts, I really enjoy taking the long way home. Especially during  nights when the moon shines on the bay and you can see every inch of snow from shore to shore. So I turned on some TSO and just enjoyed some of the Christmas lights displayed on the houses along the way. I was feeling really up, then.

When I got to an intersection that I would normally take straight through to get home, I turned left. I wanted to check out one of the huge mansions that I used to google at on the bus ride home in elementary school. Seriously, this house has elevators inside. It's huge.

And it was just a nice moment that I had with myself, driving down the pathway approaching this great big, magnificent house with all its golden lights strewn over all its surrounding trees and gate. And "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" by Maroon 5 was playing, and I started thinking about how I haven't been in the Christmas spirit so far this season, and I couldn't figure out why. But driving down the street, driving away from the mansion and toward a church, singing this simple little Christmas song at the top of my lungs, I felt a little spirit. I don't even know why. I had just experienced so many simple joys - the moonlit bay, the lights, the church, music, a little solitude. It was nice. And comforting. I just threw away any sort of worries or woes that've been bogging me down, and I just enjoyed life for a moment. Driving and singing (half of which I do quite well).

Sorry to get all Cindy Lou Who on you. I'll admit, I did sort of ponder the true meaning of Christmas on that drive. Not that I don't understand what Christmas is about. I guess it was more that I was trying to feel the true meaning of Christmas. It's been a little difficult this year.

I think I'm going to put the old MacBook down for the evening. I feel as though I've become a little too caught up with worrying about how many people are going to read my blog, rather than just focusing on writing entries that are Not me trying to impress you. So, I'm sorry for that, readers. From here on out, you're getting me, and if you don't like it, well...then don't read. So there.

Merry Christmas, err'body.




  1. I'm so happy that one of your labels (tags) is lesbians. Haha. I heart you.


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