Things I Learned from Ingrid Michaelson

In honor of the birthday of my most favorite musician and possibly my most favorite human being alive, I've decided to dedicate an entire blog to Ingrid Michaelson.

Things I've Learned from Ingrid Michaelson:

"I can be anything that I see. I can do anything my heart tells me to do."

I can be at my lowest low, but still have hope as long as I know that I'm still breathing.

"We're men of snow, we melt one day."

"The only way to really know is to really let it go."

"We are so fragile, our cracking bones make noise and we are just breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys."

Love is alive.

"It's not fitting in that will help to begin to show you your beauty."

"Get out of bed, you're stronger now. Get out of bed,you're stronger than before. Get out of your bed."

"It's time to repaint myself."

"Don't be afraid, it's not bad to be sad."

"You're still you, remember you. A rosy child, strong and wild."

Mosquitos might not be the bloodthirsty monsters we think they are....

"Our souls are all we own."

"If you wait for someone else's hand, you will surely fall down."

"Brother, how we must atone before we turn to stone."

Ingrid Michaelson + Sara Bareilles = Heaven.


Sometimes, fewer words can say much more than many.

Dark-rimmed glasses are super hot and adorable.

The music of bandmates Allie Moss and Bess Rogers.

The music of fellow ukulelist Sophie Madeleine.

Reasons why I love Ingrid Michaelson:

Her music spoke to me the first time I ever heard it on an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It was one of those moments when I had to stop to avert my full attention to that song, which turned out to be "The Way I Am," and it wasn't until I looked up the lyrics after hearing it again on an Old Navy sweater commercial that I found out her name and who she was. I had never really been into Indie music before I started listening to Ingrid.

I saw her in concert for the first time about a year after discovering her, at an Okobos Music Festival also featuring Jewel and Ben Folds. She was all by herself, sans her band, which is a shame because her band rocks, but she held her own very well with her keyboard, her guitar and ukulele. Her microphone kept slipping down the stand so she had to crouch to sing as she played some of her songs. At one point, she decided that the keyboard setting sounded familiar and she suddenly busted out into "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx and had the entire audience (which was a large one) singing along. It was a lovely concert, and I was introduced to even more of her music, including her uke rendition of "Over the Rainbow."

I received her second (which is really her third) album, Be OK for Christmas that year, and decided that it is the best album ever. Especially the song "The Chain." It quickly became my favorite song in the entire world, and now I own every version of it that is available to own. Mmm. The Chain.

One day a year or so ago, I looked her up on iTunes and bought the rest of her music that I didn't own, which included her very first album, Slow the Rain. A very, very good album. Arguably her best work.

Her latest album, Everybody, came out August last year and I made sure to buy it the day it was released.

There isn't one song of hers that I don't enjoy.

Last year and this past summer, I saw her in concert with her band. Easily, those were the best two concerts I've ever been to. Discard the fact that I don't go to concerts often, but I imagine that if I did, hers would top my list. She's not only incredibly talented, but hilarious as well.

I feel like I'm writing a report on Ingrid Michaelson. Actually, I did write a paper dissecting one of her songs ("Corner of Your Heart") for a metaphor class, and I choreographed a dance to her song "Men of Snow," so she's been a part of my academic life as well as my .... not academic life.

Also, on a creepier note, I've decided to name my first daughter Ingrid, after her. When the time comes.

Bah. Ingrid. So much love. So, so much. Happy Birthday, Ingrid!!

Peace, love and INGRID!



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