Consider this a challenge!

A letter to my one reader from Denmark:

Dear reader from Denmark,

I’m pretty sure that you accidentally came upon this blog while searching for something super cool and European (like…tea and crumpets…), but thank you for making this humble little online journal go international. I feel so cultured now because of it. You deserve a plaque. The good kind of plaque. Not the kind that rots your mouth and causes heart attacks. Because you deserve good things. Not bad. So thanks.

Traditional Denmarkian send-off,

Blogger from Accidentally Hilarious.


I've checked my reader stats again, and discovered that my "All Time" audience is as follows:

United States: 1,009 
Denmark: 5
Canada: 3
Croatia: 2
Japan: 1
Taiwan: 1

Well, whaddaya know! What a little cultured blog this is! Here is an updated letter to my international readers.

Dear World,

You may not know it, mainly because I'm positive you can't read this because you don't speak English (save for Canada...maybe), but you've just made me the happiest little blogger on the face! You've even inspired me to look at a map to find Croatia. What a pretty little country you are, Croatia! Good for you! Well, I urge you to continue accidentally coming across this page, and tell your friends from other countries, too! I'd like to get some French readers in on this little shindig. And maybe some Irish, too! Erin go bragh! 

Worldly tidings,

Accidentally Hilarious

Also, since I'm going on about stats and such, I should also mention that since its inception in May of this year, Accidentally Hilarious (formerly The Sun Shine) has reached over 1,000 views! This is a big deal for me! Thank you to everyone who has read this blog through good and bad, thick and thin, and all that jazz.

This blog is for you. In fact, it's for you, but it's especially for my 8 followers. When I first started out, I had none. And now, 7 months later, that number has increased substantially. Oh yes, very substantially. For the rest of you readers, if you want to feel especially special, you should just look up to the left of the page and click the pretty little "Follow" button. All you need is a google account, and that includes Gmail, or a Blogger account. So, if you've already got a Google, you're qualified! Yay! As President of Accidentally Hilarious, I promise to keep you entertained and intrigued with all the blogs to come. I also promise to ban broccoli from hot lunch. Er. Wait. That's something different. 

In honor of this momentous and historic occasion, I am opening the blog up to you. I want to know what you want to read about. Send me your ideas. If you want me to write a blog about rainbow colored puppies, I will write a blog about rainbow colored puppies. If you want me to write a fictional story about a frog, I will write a story about a frog. If you want me to blog about politics, I will probably not write about politics. Sorry. So there you have it. Consider this a challenge. 

I think this is going to show me just how many people do or don't actually read my blog....





  1. Hey! I'm following you! Thanks! I didn't know I could do that until you said so in this entry!


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