Perhaps you heard?

I am almost to my 100th blog.

It is earlier than I thought it was.

It was not as late as I thought it was going to be.

As I was watching "Brothers and Sisters" on ABC with my parents, a Special News Report interrupted what would have been a very dramatical scene toward the end of the episode between Ally McBeal and BeanPole McGee.

"Must be something important if it's interrupting the show," my dad said, not really expecting much.

But what they announced was actually quite shocking.

Perhaps you heard?

Osama bin Laden was killed.

Someone tried to make the connection that Hitler also died on May 1, but according to what I gathered from the news, OBL was not killed today. He was killed sometime this week and it was just announced today?

Could be wrong.

My initial thoughts were, "Oh, wow!" It was like the day they captured an older, much hairier version of Saddam Hussein.

So he's dead.

So thousands of lives have been avenged for the brutal terrorist attacks on September 11 those nearly ten years ago.

So what happens now?

I can't help but feel nervous. Yes, it is great that the man can no longer plot to attack our country, and forgive me for being naive and unknowledgeable on the subject, but has he really successfully done anything to us since? Perhaps it is because he was so busy running and hiding.

Yes, he is gone. He is out of the way, and we no longer need worry about him.

But what about the rest of his terrorist group? Osama bin Laden was not the only member of Al Qaeda.

"The face of Al Qaeda is dead," the news anchors raved.

But he is not the only face. What happens if his followers get reeeeeeally, really pissed off, and want revenge? An eye for an eye? I mean, shit could get reeeeeeeeally real, you guys.

That just went from semi-intelligent to kindergarten-dumb in about 1 paragraph.

But seriously, it's not like terrorists can't terrorize just because the guy who wrote the book (so to speak) isn't around to show them the ropes anymore. Hell, he probably showed them the ropes, and then some.

It gives me pause. I may not be able to sleep tonight.

But still. A victory for the ol' U. S. of A., indeed.

I also couldn't help to feel uneasy over the celebration over a man's death. A very, very evil man, yes, but a man nonetheless.

It's just all so strange and...strange.

So those are my pre-sleep, verbal vomit thoughts on the major events of the evening.

Later gators.


  1. He actually was killed today... FOX News was reporting incorrect information before Obama gave his speech. Prez said that he ordered the mission early today, although Fox News Corp was reporting that he was killed last week by a missile and that DNA from his brain splatter was confirmed by DNA of his sister. Fail, FOX. Fail.

  2. Brain splatter. Ew.

    I was watching ABC, and they said something about it being within the last few days. I missed the President's speech, though, because of course, we were flipping between the news reports and Robot course we flipped back to ABC and they were reporting on what Obama

  3. My point being, of course, that both news stations were giving out false information. But of course, the whole time prior to the Prez's speech, they were saying it was only alleged and that it was not confirmed yet. So. Anything goes? I guess?


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