
Can I just start by saying how ridiculous the layout of this blog is? Like...why the ocean landscape? I've been to the ocean maybe 3 times in my life and I don't daydream about going back. Lake Michigan's cool, and it's right in my backyard (for the most part). Also, that profile pic needs to be updated. Soon enough. Or maybe never. WHO CARES. Clearly I don't.


So life has changed a bit, EH? Like, holy-farking-shirt, life has changed since last we spoke.

New job.
New apartment.
New man.
New life, basically.

Remember that show A Christmas Wish that I worked on in 2013 that I mentioned in my last post? That show was basically a catalyst for every other opportunity I have gotten since. That summer, I went off to tropical Terre Haute, Indiana and did repertory theatre all summer, and the next summer, and the summer after that. Have since performed at the Shedd Aquarium, the Chicago Musical Theatre Festival, and sung the National Anthem for the Chicago Fire Soccer Club. Hoping to go up and higher from here.

No longer working at the Greek restaurant. Because duh. This new job I have has taken me on two business trips in the last year. The Greek restaurant took me to the Loop every day.

New boyfriend is goofy. New boyfriend is fun. New boyfriend is weird. New boyfriend is not really "new" because new boyfriend has been boyfriend for 2.5 years. New boyfriend is sweet and talented and funny and honest and good. New boyfriend is better.

Current project: Strangest Things! The Musical: A parody lovingly ripped off from the hit Netflix series, opens Friday, March 3rd and runs until April. I play Winona Ryder.

I auditioned for a Broadway musical a few months ago. I have this whole "mantra" I'm taking with me into 2017 - #taking2017bytheballs

That's about all I got.

Happy 2017.


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