I am a creature of Spring.

I hate that I always do my best thinking on the move. Why can't I write these things down and be mobile at the same time?

Studio Arts Cafeteria smells like fart right now.

That wasn't one of the thoughts I was speaking of.

I walked around campus with Pat today, putting together a list of words to help us remember certain locations (or just plain ALL locations) for an extra credit assignment for class. It's a beautiful day outside, perfect for such an adventure.

I am a creature of Spring. I think it's official now, now that I've been walking around in the sun, breathing the fresh air and working back on the course. I think happier thoughts when the weather is nicer. I feel like I can focus all of my energy of positive things, rather than bogging myself down with everything that's wrong with my life right now. But really, when you focus on the positives of life, how can you really have anything wrong with it? Except that maybe you're too ridiculously positive, like that guy from the erectile disfunction commercials.

I love Spring. Springy Spring Spring.

This blog probably doesn't make much sense from a connective stand point (I don't even think that phrase makes sense) because I'm sitting in Studio Arts on my computer (obviously) randomly surfing the web and making new Summertime iTunes playlists and listening to incredible Sara Bareilles and Mumford and Sons music, so forgive me if I seem flighty or detached. But for the moment, life is good.

Opera Studio is this weekend. Which means it was this time three years ago that we mounted the good ol' opera L'Orfeo, and what a grand opera it was. I should whip that out and watch it sometime.

Three years ago. Man.

I think I may have run out of things to say. I didn't do anything else that was particularly exciting or of note. I have to write a paper later, but as I said, not so exciting. I will probably watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy at some point also.

Kyle and I have proposed to co-direct a musical for the next school year, in the fall. If all goes well with getting the funding for it, we may just have a full-tilt, boogie, original musical on our hands, come September. It's going to be a challenge, it's going to test my skills as a musician, and it's probably going to make me crazy, but I whole-heartedly look forward to it. BRING IT ON.

Well, I must be off, for I have rehearsal for opera.




  1. I like the new thought vomit blogs. :)

  2. I'm the same way!
    I think while moving!

  3. JEALOUS. Original musical? Fo shiz? Let me know if I can help :)

    What opera are you guys doing? Can't be more awesome than L'Orfeo... well it probably could be. But daim, that was some fun shit.

  4. Well, not a truly original musical. "Full-tilt, boogie, original musical" is a lyric from [title of show], which is technically an original musical! And is also the show we are proposing for next year!

    We're also not doing a full opera, it's a night of opera/musical theatre scenes. I'm doing a scene from "Marriage of Figaro" with Megan Fletcher and also "Some Things are Meant to Be" as Jo. Probably the only time I will ever play a Sutton role on stage. Le sigh.


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