A pretty lame blog. Wah.

So, here I am again, with an internet connection, and really, no real updates for you, blogizoids.

I'm just doing laundry at my parents' house and watching Castle.

This weekend wasn't too eventful. Friday consisted of a 6 hour workday, most of which was spent on the fairway mower. Afterwards, my mom came over and helped me (and when I say helped me I mean she did all of it) put up a lot of picture frames and photos on my walls. Then Kyle and I went to Goodwill to look for rain boots for me, and we wound up buying more than we planned to.
That night, rehearsal for "Angels in America" was held at Laura and John's farm. We all sat at a table out on the porch, beverage (adult or not) in hand, and just recited our lines from beginning of the show to the end. It was rather fun. Midway through the run, John left to a destination unbeknownst to us, and about 20 minutes later he returned with a stack of pizzas in his arms, and when we were done with the line through we all pigged out on pizza. Then, I sat in the massage chair for 20 minutes while we discussed the limitations of the imagination. Then Kyle and I utilized the hot tub. It was glorious.

Saturday was much more subdued. I slept in, and then made myself hashbrowns for lunch. That afternoon I went out and laid by the pool, which was a much needed escape from the world, as well as the clouds and rain. It was beautiful and sunny.

I did my Jillian Michaels workout, almost died about 3 times during, and then showered and readied myself for work.

Wow. This is a boring rundown. My apologies.

I bought Allie Moss's new album, "Late Bloomer". IT'S WONDERFUL. I love it. A lot of the songs were already on "Passerby", but I don't even care. Those were all great songs, too, and the new songs on the new album are just as beautiful as the songs on "Passerby".

What gave me away?
Was it my face?
It's written on there clear as day isn't it?
Well that's one thing that's still the same.

I won't lie to you love,
I'm not okay.
I've already spent too much time hiding that.
That's one thing that has to change.

I love it. Those lyrics speak to me.

Also, these from my new favorite Ingrid Michaelson song "All Love":

"You can't be the one to kill the pain anymore
You let me in but then you slam my fingers in the door
I've had enough but I keep asking you to give me more
When I say that there's no way
It's all love, all love
It's all love, my stupid love."

It's eerie how sometimes you hear songs that seem to have come from your own life.

This is a pretty lame blog. Wah.


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