Okay, people. Enough is enough.

I was reading a very cool article about a Preble High School (my alma mater) graduate who is in the Tony winning Best Play "War Horse," which is pretty freakin' sweet. Kinda gives me hope that I, too, may someday be on The Broadway.

But anyway, I guess Steven Speilberg is adapting the play for the big screen, which sounds good in writing, but then I read this: Spielberg is going to use REAL horses. The play "War Horse" uses incredibly and beautifully intricate horse puppets that look like the real deal, but the awesome and amazing part is that they're NOT the real deal. That's "War Horse"'s appeal.


Another musical-turned-movie I'm hearing a lot about recently is "Rock of Ages." I've seen some production photos of Julianne Hough (meh), Russell Brand (acceptable), Alec Baldwin (ew..really?), and apparently Tom Cruise is joining the fun (VOMIT). What is going on?? I would rather see Constantine Maroulis in this movie, and I'm not particularly fond of him. Anyone but Tom Cruise.

If they make a movie out of Wicked, I'm going to make unhappy noises. Especially if they don't get the OBC to star in it (Idina, Cheno, Joel Grey). If they ain't in it, I ain't seein' it. Well, maybe I will, just to quench my curiosity. But the "Defying Gravity" scene is going to lose so much of its awe-factor if they just green-screen Elphaba so that it looks like she's actually flying, rather than in the stage show where the lights and a lift are used to give the appearance of flying. Sometimes, I hate movies.

So, I have to mention that this past week a bunch of my friends and I went to Wausau to do a staged performance of the musical "Next to Normal." (Don't know it? Go find it.) We went into it pretty unprepared, which is fine, I mean, there's a lot of music, a LOT of music, and we weren't expected to be Broadway stars in this, so for what it was and for what we brought to the table, it was a very good and very fun experience.

We got to talk to the students about the show afterward, and I have to give a shout out to Taylor May, whom I promised I would blog about, so here you go, Taylor! Consider yourself blogged :) I hope it was everything you dreamed and then some :P

So, that's about all for now. Apartment life has been treating me well, although, there are some aspects of it that I am not treating well:

(Ever notice how I usually think of more to say after I've said "That's all for now"? I'm dumb.)

Kyle (my roommate) and I bought fish last week, from Wally World, much to Kyle's dismay. We couldn't find any fish that caught our attention at Petco, so to Wal-Mart we went. We left with 5 fish: 4 glofish - one pink, one green, one orange, and one blue, and one ... plecopotamus. I don't know how to say it. It's this one:

And 2 days later we found little Moosey (Moose...that's what we called him) lying upside down, dead, on the floor of the tank.

But it doesn't stop there. Two days later, we found the blue glofish stuck in the fake plastic tree (Radiohead...anyone?), also dead.

Two more days later, Booger, the green one died.

So now we have the two fish that we did not name. We're not going to name them, for fear of jinxing them.

Good thing Wal-Mart has a 90 day guarantee.

On another note, I'm on day 10 of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred system, and I think I'm losing weight. I never really weighed myself prior to starting, but I can tell in my face that I'm getting back to my old weight, slowly but surely. I could get used to that.


I just realized/found out that Andrew Rannells, current star of "The Book of Mormon" was in Hairspray in 2006 when I saw it on Broadway...which means that I SAW ANDREW RANNELLS ON BROADWAY AND HE IS FABULOUS AND REALLY VERY ATTRACTIVE.

Wow. I feel special.

Okay. That's seriously all, now. I want to leave this blog on a high note.

Peace out, y'all.



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