A short blip of a blog.

Hello, friends.

I apologize for my lack of blogging. I will explain, as you so deserve a reason for this absence of hilarity in your life.

Well really, there isn't much to explain.

I moved into an apartment that has no internet as of right now.

The apartment has a pool in the backyard, which isn't so much MY backyard as it is a courtyard for the entire complex of apartments and all the tenants who live in them.

I've also been bombarded by a ginormous amount of business. I work every morning/afternoon, and after that I have rehearsals every night for "Angels in America". Plus, on some days, I have other rehearsals for a new musical between work and rehearsals for "Angels".

But it is all very crazy and fun.

I really don't have too much to say aside from that...that's very depressing. I'm sorry.

I'm pretty exhausted from the move and from working and rehearsing at night.

It might also have something to do with the fact that I've been working out to a Jillian Michaels DVD. It's a doozy. I cannot move in the morning. And yet, move I must.

That's all...... Till the next time I find a wireless connection!



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