We Didn't Start the Fire 2.0

Okay. So one more post before I hit the hay.

Why is that even a saying? 'Hit the hay'? Did people sleep on haystacks in barns in olden days? Or did people literally pound their fists into hay in their sleep? Or before going to bed? Whatever. Anyway.

My mom was going through a bunch of old files or folders or binders (oh my!) and after a while came to me with a sheet of paper with some typing on it that I knew I should recognize, but didn't quite remember what it was. I read it, and realized it was a social studies project I had written in 2004. Helping me to figure that out were the words "Molly 2004 Soc. Studies Project" written on the bottom.

It was an extra credit project in which we could submit alternate lyrics to the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire," replacing all the lyrics with situations and events that have occurred throughout our lifetime. So, being the generous and masochistic person that I am, I have decided to share it with you. Here it is. Remember to read it to the tune and rhythm (also known as singing...) of "We Didn't Start the Fire" otherwise it won't make any sense.

"Fall of the Berlin Wall, Ninja Turtles take it all. Persian Gulf, Rodney King, Milli V. caught lip syncing. Bill Clinton, Jacko too, Black to white what else is new? OJ Simpson gets his way, building bombed by T. McVeigh.

(We didn't start the fire...)

Hanson hits the music scene, 'N Sync makes the girlies scream. Princess Di, Mother T., Titanic hits the silver screen. Bill Clinton and Monica, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa. Columbine in '99, Woodstock goes a second time.

(We didn't start the fire...)

Pokemon, Elian, Bush and Gore in Election, Martha's been....stocking in, Michael Jackson strikes again. Brit-Madonna kiss on stage, Al Qaida strikes in fits of rage, 9/11 Terror War, Ritter dies, don't know what for.

(We didn't start the fire...)

Eminem hates his mom, finally we caught Saddam. Kerry wins as Democrat, McDonald's makes people get fat??! Janet at the Super Bowl, Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast? "Passion" hit for Mel Gibson, it debuts at number one!

(We didn't start the fire...)"

That's it. This is from 1987 to 2004. Some of those things I had forgotten about. Like the quick mentioning of Elian Gonzalez. I think I was in 6th grade when that sh*t went down. And the whole Mark McGuire - Sammy Sosa thing, that was such a big deal to me then. I wanted Mark McGuire to win, big time. And I refused to believe that he was on steroids. If it ever became public that he in fact was using steroids, I never heard about it because I just didn't want to know.

I think I'm going to try to write another one that goes from 2004 -2011. Just for fun. But not now, because I am (le) tired and am going to punch the straw.

What, that doesn't work the same? It's the exact same thing as hitting the hay. Come on now.

Don't ask why I have a watch on. Just don't.

Good night.



  1. Just in case you did want to know (I know you said you didn't) McGuire did admit using steroids back in the day.

    Reminds me of Macchu Picchu and mangoes. :-)


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