Extremely Random Pre-Sleep Thoughts.

I enjoy art, and music. I believe in doing passionate in-the-heat-of-the-moment acts for your craft. But one thing I will never understand or partake in is guitar smashing. I don't think that would be a very wise or fun thing to do, especially now that I am a guitar owner.

I wish that my mind had a record button, so that I could press record and keep track of all the thoughts that bounce in my head and play them back so that I can write them down here. Stream-of-consciousness is a funny and interesting thing.

"Kaleidoscope Heart" is officially my drive-to-Appleton soundtrack. I think I listened to "Let the Rain" about 10 times consecutively tonight.

Driving on 41-North at night is a curious thing. Imagine driving down a road, only being able to see silhouettes of trees and signs ahead of you, but the road in front of you seems to taper off and disappears into the darkness. You feel as though you're going to drive off a cliff at any moment, but you don't. You keep driving into the black. The only time you catch a glimpse of the road ahead is when you pass a streetlight from a parallel backstreet, or the headlights of a passing car, or an obscenely bright billboard for McDonald's Big Macs which don't look nearly as appetizing in picture as they do in person. But who's really paying attention?

Sleep is coming. I can feel it. Like a sneeze. Except looking up at a light or shoving my finger under my nose won't make sleep go away.

Actually, looking up at a light makes sure that the sneeze happens. I love sneezing. It feels good. Is that weird?

Yes. Yes it is.

On that note.



Mmm. Look at those perfectly placed sesame seeds.

OH....Oh God....??!


  1. Those pictures are the reason I eat McNuggets. At least you know they are freaky shaped chunks of chicken.

    Maybe you shouldn't drive to Appleton if the darkness makes you feel as though the road ends in a cliff. Just saying, it could be an omen or foreshadowing. Not that I want that to happen, but just saying.


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