Things You Should Never Do If You Are a Human

I don't care who you are, or how drunk you are, if you are white, black, or green. It is NEVER okay to treat a woman, or any person like they are an object. Calling someone a piece of sh*t is NOT a good way to impress ANYONE. Touching them inappropriately is exactly that: INAPPROPRIATE. If she says don't touch her, then DON'T TOUCH HER. DON'T slap her ass, and DON'T kiss her neck when she's facing away from you. Keep your f*cking hands to yourself. If every guy around you is telling you to back off and stop touching her, then take a hint. And don't just move on to the next group of girls to see if you'll get lucky there. Chances are, they'll see how repulsive you are too, and refuse to talk you. But you won't give up, will you? You're too stubborn to give up on a pretty girl. So you'll keep bouncing back and forth between them, seeing which one takes the bait. Standing behind her, rubbing up against her, sliding your filthy hands up and down her back and nudging her with your elbow to make her look at you. She doesn't want to talk to you. But you won't leave willingly. You won't leave when you are asked.

And now you're in jail, aren't you?

Sorry. I had a bit of an adventure tonight. I was visiting a friend at a bar, and while I was waiting for her to arrive, I sat alone drinking water, when someone scooched up onto the empty barstool next to me and just stared at me, waiting for me to look at him. So I did, and I was very polite. I smiled and said, "Hi! How are you?" like I do. He laughed, and put his head on his arms that rested upon the bar. "What?" I said. I seriously had no idea. I had never gotten that reaction from a greeting before. He looked back at me, and just stared. I tried to just look at the TV, pretending to read the stats of some golf tournament, drinking my water to avoid speaking or looking to my right, but this guy was relentless.

I think I heard him say something like, "Get out of here," or something, but the way he said it wasn't the playful, "You're kidding!" kind of way, it seemed like he wanted me to move. Especially because he just kept staring at me, his eyes squinting inquisitively from time to time.

"You're a piece of sh*t," he said in my ear.

Wow. What a gentleman. If this guy thinks he's getting anymore conversation out of me, he's horribly mistaken.

He repeats himself.

"Why??" I ask. He does not respond coherently. I can barely understand anything he says. He asks me my name. That much I comprehend. I tell him my name is Kelly. He said something like, "My name is Rrrweroiararer." Seriously did not understand whatever it was that came out of his mouth. And I don't care. We sat in silence for a few moments, and then he grabbed my hand and tried to hold it. I immediately flinched and pulled it away. He looked like he was shocked that I was not falling for his charms.

Somewhere in between him telling me to look at him, asking me if I have a boyfriend (to which I say "yes"), hearing him tell someone that he had just gotten out of jail, and calling me a piece of sh*t again, my friend finally arrived. I had not been able to get to my phone throughout this dilemma because this guy had sat down right in front of where I had hung my coat and purse.

He did not leave me alone. He kept touching me, and although I did not respond to him mostly, and did my best to ignore him, and most of the guys in the bar (most much bigger than him physically) telling him to back off, he was persistent, and throughout the course of ten minutes or so, he caressed my back, nudged me, poked me, brushed my hair back behind my ear, kissed the back of my neck, and slapped me inappropriately. Fortunately, the people with whom I was in company were very aware of the situation (and were trying to eliminate it) and repeatedly told this guy to stop, back off, leave it alone, don't touch her, STOP!

After he was thoroughly scolded by a new friend of mine (thanks to this incident) he left me alone. The bartender tried to throw him out but he refused, and he proceeded to harass some of the other girls, thankfully (for them) not the way he had done to me, and then walked out the back door and started to relieve himself on the patio. Needless to say, the cops came soon after and he was taken away.

A lot of people I need to thank for protecting me, for telling this guy off, yelling in his face, and even pretending to be my boyfriend. I appreciate them. It was not the way that I really would have wanted to meet any of these new people that I've met and learned some interesting things about, but I suppose I never would have met some of them had this not happened. And I am fine, after all, so I guess in a sick way I'm glad it happened?

Stuff like this never happens to me. Ever. I think I can put the blame on the empty barstool next to me. That guy was just looking for a place to sit and a person to bother.

Lucky me.

On the drive home, I blasted Mumford and Sons and took the backroads. I needed to relax. As I usually do, I looked out at the bay and saw the moon peacefully lighting up the leftover patches of snow and ice on the water. It was a haunting and beautiful sight, and I thought about stopping to take a picture of it.

The picture I took, after much editing.
And so that's exactly what I did. I felt really rebellious for doing it. I pulled a U-Turn and parked the car, left it running, grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots of the water. Only one turned out, dark as it was, but it was still a picture. When I saw headlights of oncoming cars approaching, I headed back to my car and proceeded home.

As I continued to drive along, I put on my brights and saw two small lights moving ahead of me. Too small to be a car on the highway that I was approaching. Deer. Just one, running across the street.

I have very bad luck with deer. I see them, and I immediately slow down to make sure the stupid things don't run into my car, thinking it's air or something. I don't know. Deer are stupid around me.

So I've slowed down, and I can still see the deer's eyes, glowing in the dark. So I veer to the left a little, and shine him in the face. He is stopped, staring at me, bewildered like....a the headlights....


He bounds off, into the darkness. I pull ahead, and drive home.

And now I have a headache, because I am four days sober from soda and all caffeine. Every morning, I wake with a feeling of being hungover but no trace of alcohol. I hope that soon this will pass.

It is REALLY late right now. I'm tired, and I have to work in the morning.

Good night.




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