Future Plans and Current Changes.

Why couldn't huge things like the Madison protests have happened when I needed something to joke about during Spelling Bee? It would have been so easy to make a picketing joke. But nooooo, they had to wait until after, and I got stuck with semi-interesting things like the Harry Potter 7 premiere, and hunting season.

Something I am super excited about: Summer Fest. I have never been to Milwaukee Summer Fest before, but this year I am making my first appearance in a huge way: Katy Perry! I'm going with my friend Sara and we are going to make cupcake bras and wear them in the way back rows and it's going to be super awesome. I don't even care how much everyone stares.

I really enjoy Katy Perry. Ever since I heard "I Kissed a Girl" on the radio for the first time, and even more when I heard "Ur So Gay" on YouTube just days later, I've loved her and her music. Last year I thought of the concept for a Katy Perry musical entitled Waking Up in Vegas which would follow a group of new high school graduates going on a summer trip to Vegas and wreaking havoc all over the place. It's a lot better when you know the details, but I don't want to discuss them here. Because I am secretive like that.

So, as I mentioned in my last blog, I was mildly harassed at a bar. Some of you may be thinking that I didn't do a whole lot to defend myself or take myself (or the guy) out of the situation. The one good reason I can think of to defend myself on this issue is that I do not do well with confrontation. Which is why I let the guy stay on that bar stool next to me for as long as he did. I don't like to yell, or be mean, so I just kind of let things happen and if they get out of hand then I'll speak up, but I'll be very mousy about it. I guess I just never grew a pair, or something. So don't judge me because I didn't flat out slap the guy, or scream in his face to back the f*** off, or just plain get up and walk away. That's just not how I deal with things. If it ever happens to me again, I'll know what to do. The next guy will not be so lucky. (Although the last guy did end up in jail, so I wouldn't necessarily call him "lucky"...)

As I also mentioned very briefly in the last blog, is that I have given up soda, cold turkey. There is a specific reason for this choice.

I went to the doctor for a 3 month check up for some new medication I've been on, and when they weighed me before leading me into the exam room, I realized something disturbing. I am embarrassed to admit that I have gained a slightly significant amount of weight since I moved in with my parents in the summer. There is always food for me to eat whenever I want it, as much of it as I want to eat, and I don't have to pay for it. So therefore, I wind up having way more than I should, just because I can. I'm not fat, and you can barely tell just by looking at me, even if you've known me and see me often, but numbers don't lie.

From the moment I stepped off the scale, I decided that things needed to change. I broke up with soda on Valentine's Day. We have not spoken since, and I am not looking back. It hasn't been easy, sometimes the pain is so bad that my head pounds and I wake up feeling hungover, but I don't feel the urge to ease the pain with the sugary, carbonated beverage anymore. In fact, I haven't even replaced it with coffee, or other caffeinated drinks. I've had chocolate, but that isn't like cracking open a can of Pepsi or getting a 20 oz. Coke with a value meal at McDonald's.

It's strange, being sober from something that I've depended upon for so long to keep me awake, to pick me up, or just to accompany meals throughout the day.

No more! I am one week sober today.

Now, I know that simply giving up soda is not going to make me drop the weight that I've gained in the last 6 months, and so I am also starting to get back into the gym. I am drinking more water, and since I would rather have something with a sweet taste than just drinking plain water all the time, I drink Gatorade. Better than soda, right?

I love ModCloth. I was browsing through some of their clothes last night (as I often do), and wanted so badly to put a hundred dresses in my virtual shopping cart and go to town. But then I thought, if I'm going to be getting back into shape, then I'm going to wait. So then I made a deal with myself: If I can get back to my normal weight, the weight I've known since I hit 14 or so, then I'll treat myself to a cute dress from ModCloth. Just in time for spring!

I feel as though I'm lacking hilarity lately. But I guess harassment isn't exactly a laughing matter. So here's a random picture of me being really weird.

Can't wait for my hair to grow back. Sigh. 

Dammit! I need to stop watching romantic movies. Pearl Harbor is definitely a movie I must stop watching. (The first half of it, anyway, is quite romantic. Not the whole, Japanese bombing us to shit and all, part.) Watching people like Ben Affleck and Kate Beckinsale kissing while she's nursing his broken nose after he broke it during his exam and whatever-vaccine-it-was shot, reminds me of how I ... am alone, I guess. Or how I miss kissing. I do rather enjoy kissing. But don't get any ideas, blog readers, I don't just go around kissing anyone who wants to fulfill my love of kissing. I have to actually like you first. 

All loneliness and woes aside, I do enjoy this film. Even my dad enjoys it, going on about history and the size of the bullets in the guns they're carrying around. Also, I did not realize that Jennifer Garner was in this movie. 

So, I am excited to see Katy Perry this summer. Do you ever realize how often I eliminate contractions when I write? "I am excited. I do not do this. I will do that." Weird.

But anyway, Katy Perry. Excitement. Also, I'm seeing HAIR this weekend! More excitement! Woohoo!

Good notes to end on. 

Katy Perry + HAIR = Beads, Flowers, Freedom and Katy Perry




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