
Showing posts from 2012

Go find your own.

Hey Hi Hello! I have just spent a couple minutes reading some of my old posts. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for dumping sad-and-lonely all over you. Like a bucket full of soda. Like, cuz...soda's fun to drink but when it's dumped all over you it dries and gets sticky and leaves you feeling gross and like you need a shower. This is my blog. What? I can tell by looking at the stats of my page when I felt the most depressed. I blog more when I'm depressed. I have more free time to sit and write for no reason, and more colorful language with which to write. It was pretty pathetic, really. So to make up for all the sad, I would like to dump some happy on you. So, there's this boy. I like him. He likes me, and he tells me how much he likes me on a daily basis. He holds my hand in public without my having to ask or demand it. He reaches out behind him, extending his hand to me, an indication for me to wrap my fingers between his. This is a big deal

Accomplished and House-Wifey

Hi... I'm sitting in my apartment watching Parks and Rec  in the bedroom while my boyfriend and his bros are drafting their fantasy football teams. I made them pigs in a blanket. I feel accomplished and house-wifey. I'm writing now because I feel like maybe I should be, because in a few short months, I won't be living the same life, living in the same place, around the same people. So maybe I should write to remember these last few months here so that when I move to New York City, I can read these posts when I feel homesick. I've been doing almost literally nothing but working at the golf course this summer. I feel like I'm such a drag since I have to go to bed early in order to wake up at 5:30am. I haven't gone out as much as last summer, I haven't drank or been drunk, I haven't even been up to my cottage since Memorial Day weekend. I'm hoping that once school starts, and my hours are dropped a bit at work, I'll be able to let loose a litt


I am going to start my own world where people love each other and we don't need a ruler. We make decisions collectively, and we share everything. I want my friends to be able to get married and be able to visit each other in the hospital when one of them is sick or hurt. These are human rights. Why are we trying to alienate groups of people as if they were any less human? Have we learned nothing from our past? I hate the world. I don't care if this makes me unpatriotic, or unAmerican, or what-the-fuck-ever, but I really hate this country sometimes. And when I say sometimes, I'm only trying to cover my ass in case some super secret government spies are reading this blog and see that I'm saying anti-American statements and for some reason arrest me. Because I'd really like to say that I hate this country all the time. I hate politics. I hate that there are always  two sides to everything. I wish that I could say I never take sides, but I KNOW when something is w


Lately, more than ever, I've been on a huge Pinterest kick. Ever since moving into this new place, a place that is NOT part of a complex with a hundred other identical apartment rooms and buildings, a place that actually feels like a home rather than an apartment, I keep trying to find ways to spruce it up even more and turn old things into kick-ass things. Right now, I'm trying to figure out something to do with this giant ass wardrobe we have that we don't use. I wanna turn it into something useful and functional. This is what I've found so far: For blankets or towels or clothes. I like this, but I like this other one just a little bit more...... For the kitchen. We have a giant space between the living room furniture and the front door, so this would be perfect to fill that empty space since it's right across from the kitchen. Plus, we have a lot of food and canned goods and spices, so this would be really great for sorting a

I iz excited.

OH HAI! So I'm just gonna jump right into things. A lot of changes have happened in the last few months and I want to share them with you all cuz they're pretty awesome!! Mmkay. Here goes. -Cabaret was a huge success. I feel, maybe for the first time in my life, that I did my best with the role, and delved into the character, and gave it everything I had, and I am completely satisfied with my work and performance as Sally Bowles. -My boyfriend and I moved into an apartment on Broadway. It's a super awesome apartment, and now I can say I live on Broadway. It's above a bar, so we have to deal with loud music for most of the day, but it really isn't that loud except for on weekends, and apparently, I've learned that I can sleep through mostly anything. The bar has live DJs on some weekends, and they stack the speakers high to the ceiling, so everything in our apartment vibrates and knocks over picture frames and soap bottles and things like that. But, I can

Yeah, I blogged again.

OH HEY! How's it going? That's good to hear/I'm sorry to hear that. I've decided that only posting when I have something funny to say or I'm super depressed is unacceptable, and I apologize to any of you who actually like to read these blogs for my last of updation. I made up that word. Updation. Eat it. So let's see here. What's happened since my last post? A LOT. I'm in a much  better place now than I've been in probably since I started this blog, and much, much before then, as well. Truth is, I haven't been truly happy in a long, long time, and I have no one but myself to blame for that. Sure, there were outside sources causing my depression, but it was I who was letting it get to me, and keep me down in the rut that I was in for as long as I was in it. The secret to happiness, as I've learned it to be? Letting go. Rid yourself of anything that's caused you grief. If you're hanging on to something simply because once it

Why I hate January.

Have you ever had leftovers sitting in your fridge, in its little styrofoam to-go box, waiting to be finished, and for the entire day, all you can think about is how badly you want to consume these leftovers, and then when you get home you pop them in the microwave, take a bite, and they are just not as satisfying as you'd hoped they'd be? It's like the worst feeling in the world. That just happened to me. I actually feel rather vomitous right now after eating that leftover chicken alfredo. Blast. Anyway. HAPPY 2012, Y'ALL! I'm blogging because I've been forced to think about one subject that I feel the need to explain: I hate January. I feel as though I've explained this already in a previous blog entry, but I don't give a shit and I'm sure you don't either, so here goes. There is nothing special about January. Yes, it is the first month of the year, so that gives it a little credibility, but aside from that, what does January have