Yeah, I blogged again.


How's it going?

That's good to hear/I'm sorry to hear that.

I've decided that only posting when I have something funny to say or I'm super depressed is unacceptable, and I apologize to any of you who actually like to read these blogs for my last of updation. I made up that word. Updation. Eat it.

So let's see here. What's happened since my last post? A LOT.

I'm in a much better place now than I've been in probably since I started this blog, and much, much before then, as well. Truth is, I haven't been truly happy in a long, long time, and I have no one but myself to blame for that. Sure, there were outside sources causing my depression, but it was I who was letting it get to me, and keep me down in the rut that I was in for as long as I was in it.

The secret to happiness, as I've learned it to be? Letting go. Rid yourself of anything that's caused you grief. If you're hanging on to something simply because once it gave you joy, long ago, then you don't need it. I had been hung up in my past for so long and it was ruining my life. Looking back on it now, I don't think I was even a real person. I wasn't acting like one. Sometimes I would act like a blob of Just sitting, wasting away, feeling sorry for itself. You know, if goo had feelings and emotions. Other times I would act like a child (which, of a real person...but, not the kind of person that a 23/24 year old should emulate...), running around doing whatever she pleased, not thinking of the consequences of any of her actions.

But the beautiful part of all of this is that I've learned a lot about myself, and though I've done some things I regret, I can't change that they've happened, that I've done them, and I have come to accept them, and use them as examples of what I know I should never do, ever. Again.


Update. What you just read is from about a week ago. I failed to finish this blog in one swoop, so I put it away for a while and am just now picking it back up.

Doesn't it always go this way? I start cleaning my room, putting things away, tidying things up (because it is MUCH needed), and then I get distracted by the internet and suddenly, at the least inopportune moment, decide to blog?

Fact: My room never stays clean for more than 3 days.

Cabaret is coming along nicely. I get more and more excited about it every day. It wasn't until last week that I realized what an incredibly huge deal this show is to the theatre department and the university as a whole, when I started getting asked to do interviews left and right....I'm not used to this kind of attention. I'm not trying to brag or to be pretentious or anything at all, I'm just not used to being in this sort of spotlight, even if it is only Green Bay, Wisconsin.

I want a pet flamingo.

I'm getting my hair dyed red on Friday. My boyfriend just got his dyed blond today. Blond. Blonde. Blond is the male form of the word. Adding the 'e' makes it feminine. I am blonde. Jade is blond. And now you know. You're welcome.

I suppose I should get back to cleaning my room, until I get distracted by something else.



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