Why I hate January.

Have you ever had leftovers sitting in your fridge, in its little styrofoam to-go box, waiting to be finished, and for the entire day, all you can think about is how badly you want to consume these leftovers, and then when you get home you pop them in the microwave, take a bite, and they are just not as satisfying as you'd hoped they'd be? It's like the worst feeling in the world.

That just happened to me. I actually feel rather vomitous right now after eating that leftover chicken alfredo. Blast.


HAPPY 2012, Y'ALL!

I'm blogging because I've been forced to think about one subject that I feel the need to explain:

I hate January.

I feel as though I've explained this already in a previous blog entry, but I don't give a shit and I'm sure you don't either, so here goes.

There is nothing special about January. Yes, it is the first month of the year, so that gives it a little credibility, but aside from that, what does January have that you can't get from any other month? The only holiday it harbors is New Year's Day, and everyone's hungover so nobody actually enjoys New Year's Day.

Also, January is when the weather first takes a turn for the fucking worse. It's face-feels-like-it's-gonna-fall-off freezing time in January. Everything is dead, and we don't have the cover of the pretty, twinkling Christmas lights to hide the naked, ugly tree branches, and the snow makes everything seem void, like if you go outside you'll get lost because there's no difference between the sky and the ground, and then if you get lost you'll surely DIE because it's SO DAMN COLD because it's JANUARY.

In short, January is a cruel mistress. She's like the price we are forced to pay for all the fun we have over the holidays.

Unless of course you live in a place of a warmer climate.

You know how some people get seasonal depression? I think I just have January depression. Nothing feels right for me in January. I don't know if it's because of a certain event that I went through in a January past that I've suppressed because I can't recall it now, or if it's some other reason, but for some reason I just always feel downtrodden in the first month of the year.

I really hope this year can be different. I know that I can change these negative feelings because they're probably just thought provoked, and you can change thoughts and feelings. I've got a pleasant week ahead of me, going to ACTF (American College Theatre Festival) and performing a couple of scenes with a  lovely friend of mine, so I'll take it one week at a time and see how that works out. I'm sure I'll have to plan a visit to Madison to visit my sister and bro-bro at some point this month.

I was Retweeted by Jenna Marbles last night, which is exciting. So there's that. I gained about 60 Twitter Followers because of it. Which in turn gave me more followers than the number of those that I'm following, sort of a life-goal of mine. Mission accomplished. (KIDDING......?)

So good for you, January. You don't completely suck so far.

Anyway, uh....I don't really know what else to say aside from that. You can probably expect the same rate of updates that I've been giving these last few months. It's rather difficult to find the drive to sit down and write what's on my mind. I don't really think you'd want to read about what I think about most of the time, so, there you go.

Cabaret rehearsals will start next month, so perhaps I will frequently update about that. (OH BTW, I got Sally Bowles and I couldn't be more freaking excited...!!!!)

So, yup! Okbye.



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