Trends and Masochistic Lunacy

You know what I don't like?

When my German Shepherd, the protector dog, starts barking at the back door when there is no one home but me, and it is really dark outside and I cannot see anything out there, and then just stares out the glass door.....

Feeling like a fool for keeping some feelings alive that I know I really shouldn't. And also, feeling like I don't exist or don't matter.

When my cable cuts out just one channel, the ONLY channel that I wanted to watch, during the ONE time I wanted to watch the ONE show I've been waiting for all week.


So, I really hate fads. I don't like to follow things that are popular. So, what I do is this: I wait until it's not the hot topic anymore, and then I test it out. See what it's about. Take, for example, Harry Potter. I did not want to have anything to do with Harry Potter when it first came out. I thought it was dumb, even though I had no idea what it was about. And this was just when the books came out, the movies hadn't even been mentioned yet.

It wasn't until the first movie had come out on video (yes, VHS video) that I was coerced into watching it with my sister, only because she was coerced into watching it with a bunch of small children that she babysat for at the time. I hadn't even finished watching "The Sorceror's Stone" when I fell in love with it. I started reading the book immediately after viewing the film, and read all the other books up until the 5th (because those were all that had been released at that time).

And now, I'm reading Twilight. I really did not want to. Another fad, I thought. It seemed silly, a love story involving vampires and werewolves. And it wasn't even so much that I was skeptical about the quality of the books or anything, it was the way it made people behave - like little schoolgirls who actually believed that Edward Cullen was real. Team Edward, Team Jacob. I just didn't want anything to do with it.

I actually watched the first movie just to make fun of it. It was pretty much what I expected. Robert Pattinson hiding his true British dialect, and Kristen Stewart acting like an awkward teen but coming off as simply a bad actress.

My sister made me start reading the books so that she could have someone to go see the movies with in the future. Grudgingly, I borrowed her copy of Twilight (the one with the movie poster on the cover, unfortunately) and started reading.

I was pleasantly surprised.

And you know, I don't even think I was surprised to be surprised. Just as with Harry Potter, I didn't want to get into the trend right away, but when I introduced myself it to, I loved it.

I don't love Twilight.

I still think the movies are super cheesy and ... just cheesy. But the books are very well-written. Stephanie Meyer is a good author with the ability to create fleshed out characters and locations. So, bravo, Miss Meyer. Bravo.

I'm just starting Eclipse now. After I finish it I plan to watch the movie with my sister. Then I'll start Breaking Dawn so that perhaps I can accompany Megan to the premiere, either in Madison or Green Bay.

Currently, I am experiencing some sort of masochistic lunacy by watching a show about a man exploring the wilderness in rural Alaska.

And with that, I've run out of things to say.

I bought a few things this week that should keep me plenty busy for the next however longs to come. Some pink yarn that I've already made a dishcloth/potholder with a flamingo patterned inside of it. Yeah. I just sat down, started knitting, and didn't stop till it was finished. Which was about 2:45AM. Also, a book that I'm hoping will help me figure out some things in my life, and help me to A play that I hope to read before the movie comes out (Rabbit Hole), and a CD that I have yet to rip to my iTunes. I also still have to schedule my guitar lessons, and read all this Twilight I've set out to finish.

I just did my Arnold Schwarzenegger impression for my parents. They were amused. "All those classes are paying off," I believe is what my mother just said in response.

I want to write a book, or a play, or just a short story, or something.

I can't even write a coherent blog entry for the most part. I can't see a book happening anytime in the future.

God, I hate January.

All for now. Maybe I'll talk to you soon. Maybe.




  1. I think the moral of this blog is that your sister knows what's up! Harry Potter AND Twilight. Next will be the new vampyre, yes vampYre, series I'm reading, House of Night.


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