Happy New Year - 4 days late

I love staying in hotels. I think it may be because I never really got the full "college experience" of living in a dorm on campus. It's just fun to get away and stay in some room where you don't have to wash the sheets or make the beds and they give you free shampoo.

I'm in East Lansing right now for the American College Theatre Festival. It took us about 11 hours, 4 movies, and two cheeseburgers to get here by bus.

I almost feel guilty for being here. The show that has been nominated, the one that we're taking to this festival, I was not a part of the first time around in October. I was in the musical so I wasn't able to be cast or take part of any crews. But I wanted to go back to ACTF so I volunteered to be on a crew and tag along.

Being on crew was like a full-time, non-paying job, being at school for 8 hours a day or better. But I learned a lot about electrics for theatre.

By the way, Happy New Year! Hope you all didn't have too much fun.

I really hope this year brings good things, and not stupid or confusing ones. So far, in the few days of the year, I feel I've gone through all of the above.

I feel bad that this is the first post of the year. Feels a little mediocre, doesn't it?

I had a very strong Long Island Iced Tea at Applebee's, a few hours ago. This was after swimming in a very warm pool, playing Marco Polo and Underwater Freeze Tag. I look as though I've smoked a lot of marijuana (that's pronounced mari-joo-a-nah), for my eyes have become faintly bloodshot. But I haven't, I assure you.

I don't have any fun pictures that I've drawn, and can't think of any to post from the world wide webz. I am watching Family Guy, though. So, there's that.

Time to sleep. Got some theatre festivalizing to do in the morning.




  1. i'm watching family guy too.

    and i'm watching you.


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