I am a strange, strange little person.

Okay. So, though none of you read this little tiny blog entry beneath this one, I'm going to apologize for it and tell you that I wrote it while I was a touch intoxicated just before hunkering down into bed for the night. Embarrassing.

Oh well.


I also must apologize for my lack of blogging lately. But as they say, too much of a good thing...is....bad. Or something. But here I am, blogging again. You're welcome.

I think the time off was needed. Had I blogged about any of my feelings or emotions over the last few weeks it may not have turned out so well for anybody. I just needed to reflect on my own. I couldn't think of the words to say that would have made for a good explanation of my emotions, and I didn't feel like cracking any jokes, so my fingers stayed away from the blogging keyboard.

I did a lot of reading. I'm on the last Twilight book. I don't know what to think. It's like the stupidest thing I've ever read, but I can't stop reading it because it's also the greatest thing I've ever read. It's a complicated relationship we have, Twilight and I.

So remember that one time when I said I would make this blog sort of about the new music I discover? Well, I have been sucking at keeping that promise. But I am going to make up for it now.

I drove to Madison this past week to visit my sister and bro-bro-in-law, and I listened to the Mumford and Sons and the Florence and the Machine albums on the drive.

Mumford and Sons:
I first heard their song on VH1 as part of the "You Oughta Know" series they run, and I really enjoyed the sound they have. It made me want to jump up and dance and sing and drink a bottle of moonshine.

Florence and the Machine:
The lead singer's voice sounds like a mix between the following: Regina Spektor, Amy Lee of Evanescence, and the lead singer of the Cranberries. It's a good sound. The best song on the album ("Lungs") is the first, and the only one that is on the radio right now I believe, which is "Dog Days are Over". I don't know if she'll have any other songs get as popular, because the other tracks are very experimentalist and probably more something you'd hear on 94.3 THE RAZOR (AHHH) or some other radio station that bubble gum teens who wear mini skirts listen to nowadays.

On a different subject entirely.

In my class today I was looking around out of boredom and saw a girl applying chapstick. Then another application. Then another. Are you done yet, chica? I think your lips are pretty well saturated by now. Okay, seriously. Stop. ENOUGH already. Yeesh.

Don't know why that was important. Among all the other stuff I've done since my last blog. I am a strange, strange little person.

Yup. I think that's all I've got at this junction. Maybe I'll write a little more tonight. Maybe not.




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