A Few Tips For Pet Care (Updated)

How to Care for Your Pet

Pets are mini, furry companions. They're lovable as well as loving, loyal, and fun. But if you don't take care of them properly, they become problematic and troubled. Here are a few friendly tips on how to keep a cute, cuddly four-legged creature from turning into Kujo, or worse, one of those battered animals from the ASPCA commercials with Sarah McLachlan playing in the background.

Pay them attention.

Pets need lots of things. But what keeps them happiest of any of the things you can provide, is good old-fashioned attention. Take them outside. Walk with them. Pet them. As crazy as it sounds, talk to them. If you can't provide the time or the effort to do any of these things, then your pet is going to feel the negative effects of neglect. They may become depressed and sluggish. A pet's only goal in life is to love you. The least you can do is love them back. It isn't difficult. They don't ask for much. The least you can do is give them a pat on the head when they greet you at the door after work. If you ignore them, how will they know that you love them? (And if you don't love them, what are you doing with them?)

Give back.

"I done good, right Mom??"
This one is pretty obvious. You should know automatically that you need to feed your pets just as you know you need to feed yourself. But it isn't only food that you should be giving back. Dogs and cats spend all their waking time (which may not be much for cats) trying to make you happy, smothering you with slobbery kisses and shoving their nose into your neck, marking you their territory. And how sweet is it when a cat massages you with their feet with sort of a kneading motion? It means they like you and are comfortable with you. Or when your dog comes running to you and drops a dead bird at your feet? "For you!" they seem to say with eager eyes and wagging tail. Give, give, give. It's all they seem to do. So can you blame them for getting overly excited and bounding down the hallway when you reach for the bag of Kibbles 'n Bits or the can of Friskies? Give them a good meal. Let them sleep next to you at night (or during the day, or whenever it is they decide to take a nap). Throw the ball when they bring it to you. Pick them up when they cry to you, and let them see the world from your perspective. It's not easy to please them. You just have to try. A little.

Don't be mean.

I feel as though I'm being very redundant. But in different ways. I'm going to tell you once again not to ignore your pet. That's a form of mean. Possibly the worst. Because if you abuse your animal, physically, at least they know how you feel about them. They know that you don't like them. They know why they feel pain. But if you just don't give them anything, say anything, do anything, then they wonder every day what they did, what they're not doing, what they can do to gain your love. They don't know why they feel pain. Be nice. Just be nice.

Love them. Unconditionally.

Whether their mouth smells like cat butt when they lick you, or they slobber all over your lap after they drink from the water dish, or they pee on the carpet once in a while, you love them. You love them because they're yours, and no one else has one quite like them. You love them even if they slap you in the face with their tail, or they step on your boob when you're lying in bed because they're trying to get comfortable. You love them even if they have a dry nose, or potato eye, or a high pitched bark. They're special. They're yours. Love them. Unconditionally.

Because, face it. If you aren't ready to take on the responsibilities of having a pet in your life, then you shouldn't have one. Save yourself and your pet, the trouble and the emotional pain.

I hope that you follow these simple instructions for pet care. Because that's what they are: simple. So, so simple.

Peace, love.



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