Go Go Go

I was on my way home from "Joseph and the Amazing blah blah blah" rehearsal and I decided to listen to some WPR, because sometimes I just like to listen to classical music, okay? Whatd'yoo wanna do, fight about it?

So anyway. I was listening to some stuff by Offenbach, and although there were no vocals, it made me miss choral music. I don't think anybody really understands the magnitude of my love for singing in a good choir, except maybe a select few people. I love singing solo, but there is something about harmonizing, and harmonizing well that gives you a feeling you can't get when you're singing alone. I get flashes of that feeling at times when I'm singing in a school musical, or moments like today in Joseph singing "Go Go Jo" but...it can't really compare to the moments I've had in honors choirs or singing with some crazy cats I call my friends (and they know who they are!).

That's about all I had to blog about. So I guess I'll leave it at that!?



I found out yesterday (as did the rest of the world) that the Broadway production of HAIR is closing on June 27th!!!! This is NOT okay!!!! I wanted to see it another 203 times at least before it closed!! I guess I'll have to make due with the touring company when it comes to MKE in Feb. Love to the Starshine Tribe (and the Aquarius Tribe).




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