
I have so much love to give. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it all. Sometimes I ache because all this love is just sitting inside, waiting to burst out of me like a tidal wave. I give great doses of it to people. There are very few people that I can truly say that I love, that isn't to say that I don't love many people, but the people I can say that I truly love get a very special kind of love. The others I care about very much, but it... this isn't making much sense. I love you all, but in different ways. Get it? Good.

I give great doses of it to animals. I love the shit out of my cat. That cuddly ball of fur that I swear can speak English. I love frogs, though I do admit that sometimes I torture them by catching them when I see them sitting in water. I love mooing at cows as I bike past them, standing in their pastures. I love geese, waddling along in their gaggles, mama and daddy leading their little ones to a nearby pond on a golf course. I go nuts at the zoo, I feel like a little kid running around gawking at all the cool animals and feeding the goats at the petting zoo just to watch the neat way their lips move. I love animals.

I love things. I love music. If I could put as much passion into every aspect of my life as I do when I sing, I would be the greatest human being in the entire world. I love running around playgrounds, sliding down slides and swinging on swings. I love roller skating, although I don't often get the opportunity to do it. I love cuddling. But I suppose this one sort of ties in with loving people. I love my cottage with its eccentric shade of blue. I love waterfronts. I love sunsets.

I love.

"Sometimes I feel my heart will burst like a balloon inside my chest with all the love that's waiting here, unexpressed...But maybe the love we yearn to give can find a release some other way, coloring how we choose to live everyday. The kindness we can share, the comfort these two arms might lend in despair - someone's always in despair. Still I'm longing to meet that pair of eyes, dark as the night or endless blue, holding a light I'll recognize - something clear, something true. Something that seems to mean, something I haven't seen since - you." John Bucchino, 'Unexpressed'

Peace, LOVE.



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