I Do

I've been thinking about weddings probably more than I should be. There are a few reasons for this.

The obvious is that my sister is getting married in August, so we have been planning this wedding for a year and the plans have been getting more and more intense as of late. So naturally I've been thinking of things like what my dress will look like at my own wedding, what color the bridesmaids dresses will be, what songs will be sung at the ceremony.

Another reason was the phone call I got from a friend who said she and another friend had been discussing musical-themed weddings, including a HAIR wedding which included an orgy and very scantily-clad people attending.

Orgy aside, this got me thinking. Being the theatre person that I am, my wedding will not be a simple ceremony. My wedding, whenever it will be, to whomever it will be, is going to be a theatrical freaking production. If I could have a singing pastor who spontaneously broke out into song during the vows, or random people in the pews stand up and sing and then dance to choreography that everyone somehow knows, I would die happy. But more importantly I think I would die happy if at the wedding I were staring into the eyes of someone that I love and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.

But that will come when it is meant to happen.

What I did decide is that I want "Let the Sun Shine In" to be sung in full harmony after the "You may kiss the bride" part. I can't imagine a better way to leave the church, newly married. Wow.

So you see, I have been thinking a little too much about marriage and I'm no where near even being engaged to be married. But the guy I do walk down the aisle with better like musicals. Because that's what he's getting. :)

Speaking of marriage, relationships and such, I've been thinking a lot about how careers and companionships pan out. Some people don't believe that you can be successful in a career if you are attached or committed to another person. Or perhaps they just don't think you could go as far with something or someone holding you back. But what I was thinking is this: What kind of fulfillment could one get out of a career if there was no support from a significant other? You could be the wealthiest, most successful SOB in the world, but without someone to come home to at the end of every day to tell everything to, wouldn't it be empty at the top? As humans, we rely on other people to give us love, support, and happiness, and this is what I believe gets us through every single day, and eventually, an entire life.

Some people don't believe in depending upon other people. But I truly believe that to love someone, to really love someone in the way that we were made to love, everyone needs to be a little dependent. I will depend on you to love me, and you should depend on me to love you. I will depend on you to be there for me when I need you, and I will be there for you in a heartbeat when you need me. Those are the sort of things we should be dependent upon in our other. I don't think that is too much to ask.

I'm just rambling right now, but I'm a very emotionally driven and romantic person. So I just thought I would share some of my thoughts on what I believe is the greatest gift we are given and can give in return: love. Things get put into perspective for you pretty well when your love is physically taken away from you.

Feel free to run to the toilet to vomit, if this is too sappy for you. I get like this sometimes. Things will turn out for me, whether it's the way I'd like, or maybe something completely different. But they will work.

For now.

Peace. Love.



  1. So insightful, miss Molly. I'll sing songs and dance choreographed dances at your wedding, when it happens.

    I miss you so much...


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