[this is your (Le)Captain speaking] (Blog Pilot)

I hope you enjoyed the pun in the title. I can tell already that this is going to be a beautiful relationship.

I really wanted to make a video blog on YouTube, but as it turns out, I'm no good at speaking, so I figured if I really want to get things out to the people (basically anyone I care about who cares to read what I have to say), I should do it in writing.

And believe me, I have a lot to say.

For now, we'll start out small, and work our way to bigger things.

Today, I went laser tagging. I've never been until today, and let me tell you, my dear blog reader, that it was an experience. A hot, sweaty experience. It was hard enough running around in tight spaces with a gun that you have to hold with both hands at all times if you want to have any sort of chance of hitting any target, but then add a vest that weighs at least 10 pounds, and is bulky, and you've got yourself one big, awkward, literally hot mess. I did all right the first time. Actually that's a lie. I did pretty damn horribly. But the second time I learned that you have to pull the trigger each time you want to shoot, you can't just hold the trigger down and have it shoot continuously until your target has been hit. Oops. Well. That was laser tag.

Have you seen the video of Greyson Michael Chance covering Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi"? It's pretty damn incredible. This kid can't be any older than let's say...Justin Bieber, but is one thousand times more talented than said pop star. I found the link just yesterday thanks to Eric Whitacre, and let me tell you, this kid is better than most of the music students at any university I've ever been to. You should check it out if you haven't already. I guess he went on Ellen and Lady Gaga surprised him by calling him and telling him how much she loved his cover.

So here is a way to keep up with me and my life over the summer. I hope you check back every once in a while, and maybe even enjoy this.

Let The Sun Shine In.

( ^ Get it now? )



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