Spring Cleaning

Cleaning. Getting rid of the old, random crap that you never look at or use anymore. Dusting off your shelves, vacuuming your rugs. Cleaning can sometimes mean parting with things you don't know how to throw away. Things that mean more to you than their face value. A note. A dead flower. An old picture. A candy bar wrapper. Are they worth keeping? I was going through a lot of boxes of keepsakes, or just things that I didn't have the guts to trash. Some of these things, which at one point would have made my emotions run haywire and caused me to stubbornly throw it back into the box, had no emotional meaning to me anymore. I simply placed them in the trash pile and went on my merry way. It's strange how things change. But other things that I came across still had that impact on me, that heart pounding, wish-you-were-still-here feeling that makes you think back fondly on times past and smile. It's things like these that keep me from spinning into a deep, dark depressive state. (Okay, so maybe that's quite an exaggeration.) But these little reminders let me know that these good things, these tremendously wonderful things happened. They may be over, or better yet, paused or put on hold, but they are a part of my past, and so they are a great part of me. And I smile for that. Do not grieve the things that are not worth grieving. Why cry over things that once made you happy? Slowly, I am learning how to deal with these emotions that so often flood my mind and overwhelm my thoughts. But at the end of the day, it always comes to this: I am so grateful for this wonderful person who let me into his life and in return left a mark on mine. Perhaps this is too much to admit in a blog on the world wide web, but I hope that this person knows just how much he means to me, and how much he always will.

Happy cleaning, everyone.

Peace, and much love.



  1. Somehow I'm following you twice. That's unspeakably lame. Oh well... you inspired me to start blogging again.

    It's nice to go through old things and decide what still has value... no matter what the outcome, it's always an awesome memory trip.


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