Seems as though I've been slipping off the blog wagon. Could be because my life isn't exactly very exciting these days.

I auditioned for SNC Music Theatre's production of "Joseph" and was cast as one of the wives of the brothers. So I have that to look forward to for the summer.

I want to live next to water someday. I was driving down Riverside Drive coming back from the call back for Joseph yesterday and the sun was setting over the Fox River. It was so beautiful, so peaceful. It would be so wonderful to see that every night from the rear window of the house that I live in.

I hung out with two of my best friends in the entire world at Communiversity Park this afternoon. We had the strange realization that we've now been friends for 10 years. We also decided that we're going to go to our 5 year high school reunion as Sex and the City. Because it's so fitting. I'm Carrie, I guess. But we decided that Lauren and I are interchangeable Carrie and Charlotte. It was really good to see them. It's funny how some people can go without seeing each other for so long and still have so much to talk about when they reunite. Those are the kinds of friends I have.

I finally get a day off from work on Monday, for Memorial Day. I'm spending it at the cottage. I'm rather excited for this rare opportunity. I hope the weather is nice, although with my luck, it won't be. But we'll just stay positive, for now.

I'm excited for fall, when Alaska gives me back someone I've been waiting to see and talk to for some time. I just miss hearing his voice. I quite enjoy the written messages as well, but there's just something special about hearing someone's voice that can't really be compared to written word. Wheel of Fortune is taking place in the Great Northwest right now, and it's making me miss him more. For now, Energy Bear will have to suffice.

My MacBook has about 6 minutes of battery life left, and I'm off to get ready to go out with some friends. It'll be nice to get out. Until next time, y'all.




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