
Showing posts from May, 2010
Seems as though I've been slipping off the blog wagon. Could be because my life isn't exactly very exciting these days. I auditioned for SNC Music Theatre's production of "Joseph" and was cast as one of the wives of the brothers. So I have that to look forward to for the summer. I want to live next to water someday. I was driving down Riverside Drive coming back from the call back for Joseph yesterday and the sun was setting over the Fox River. It was so beautiful, so peaceful. It would be so wonderful to see that every night from the rear window of the house that I live in. I hung out with two of my best friends in the entire world at Communiversity Park this afternoon. We had the strange realization that we've now been friends for 10 years. We also decided that we're going to go to our 5 year high school reunion as Sex and the City. Because it's so fitting. I'm Carrie, I guess. But we decided that Lauren and I are interchangeable Carrie and Charl

Good tidings from Wisconsin

First Sunburn of the Summer

Today was stupid for a number of reasons. Perhaps a better way to phrase this is that today I was stupid in a whole lot of situations. So I'm working at the golf course. I'm supposed to be the one who knows what she's doing. So my co-worker and I are smushing dirt back into the ground after it had so rudely been pulled out by an aerator. Suddenly my phone rings. It's my boss (whom I can see just down the fairway). He asks me to grab him a hose, a something-something and a nozzle. If the something-something wasn't in the shop, check the clubhouse, it may be there. So I tell my co-worker that we're going on a little trip to the shop to grab some things, let's take a break from stomping sod back into place (which is a relief). So we take the Club Car up to the shop, look for hoses, fail, check the lower shed, fail again, ask people in clubhouse if they have any so-and-so's, convince people we and our boss are crazy, fail, go back down to shop, consider tak

Cleaning Pt. Deux

Today I was in a particularly good mood. I woke up, didn't feel like I was dying, and had the fortune of being the one to mow the fairways at work. Mowing the fairways is a favorite chore of mine. You're not allowed to listen to music, so you're left all alone with your thoughts. It's good alone time. Plus it takes up a good 3 or 4 hours of an 8 hour day. The people I work with don't suck, so that helps too. It feels strange to be the "top dog" this summer, although I would barely call myself nearly qualified to hold that title, it's just that I'm the only one returning from last summer (of the students, anyway). I feel all privileged and stuff. Plus I had Papa Murphy's chicago style pizza leftovers for lunch, and that just makes any day brighter. My mom came over to help me clean again. She started attacking my closet. I got rid of so many articles of clothing, it was almost painful. I parted with some good articles that had seen many a day on


I worked for roughly 13 hours today. My hands burn an d my body aches in many different places. If I see another speck of glitter I might scream. After leaving the golf course for the second time today, I decided to treat myself to an ice cream cone from McD's. As I was driving down East Shore Drive, I took a gander at some of the nice little apartments along the shore, thinking that maybe I would look into them for the fall. It excites me, the thought of living somewhere new. As I ate my ice cream, driving home down East Shore, I looked to my left and saw the sun setting over the bay. I thought of driving past, but my urge to sit and watch the red sky reflect over the water was greater, so I pulled in and parked. I sat, listening to my iPod for a few minutes, and felt the impulse to put the car in reverse and head back home, I had better go back. But I told myself to calm down, to enjoy it. So I turned on some Ingrid Michaelson and turned up the heater. I looked to my right and s

Spring Cleaning

Cleaning. Getting rid of the old, random crap that you never look at or use anymore. Dusting off your shelves, vacuuming your rugs. Cleaning can sometimes mean parting with things you don't know how to throw away. Things that mean more to you than their face value. A note. A dead flower. An old picture. A candy bar wrapper. Are they worth keeping? I was going through a lot of boxes of keepsakes, or just things that I didn't have the guts to trash. Some of these things, which at one point would have made my emotions run haywire and caused me to stubbornly throw it back into the box, had no emotional meaning to me anymore. I simply placed them in the trash pile and went on my merry way. It's strange how things change. But other things that I came across still had that impact on me, that heart pounding, wish-you-were-still-here feeling that makes you think back fondly on times past and smile. It's things like these that keep me from spinning into a deep, dark depressive st

[this is your (Le)Captain speaking] (Blog Pilot)

I hope you enjoyed the pun in the title. I can tell already that this is going to be a beautiful relationship. I really wanted to make a video blog on YouTube, but as it turns out, I'm no good at speaking, so I figured if I really want to get things out to the people (basically anyone I care about who cares to read what I have to say), I should do it in writing. And believe me, I have a lot to say. For now, we'll start out small, and work our way to bigger things. Today, I went laser tagging. I've never been until today, and let me tell you, my dear blog reader, that it was an experience. A hot, sweaty experience. It was hard enough running around in tight spaces with a gun that you have to hold with both hands at all times if you want to have any sort of chance of hitting any target, but then add a vest that weighs at least 10 pounds, and is bulky, and you've got yourself one big, awkward, literally hot mess. I did all right the first time. Actually that's a lie. I