Prisoner of Hope

So, here I sit, watching the news with my parents, feeling slightly dejected due to the results of the election that took place this 2nd day of November, 2010.

I feel slightly dejected due to other recent events, bu
t I won't go into great detail about that.

To help me cope with this recent misfortune, I've turned to my good friend, music. A few months ago, while randomly searching the music section of Best Buy, I bought Sara Bareilles' new album, Kaleidoscope Heart. I enjoyed her first album, but when I put this record in my CD player, my ears exploded with pure, unadulterated musical bliss. This record is incredible. Although all the songs are
great in their own right, my favorite tracks are "The Light," "Basket Case," and "Let the Rain," which fall right next to each other on the album, and also the title song "Kaleido
scope Heart" gave me an eargasm when I first listened to it, and I'll admit, I still eargasm when I hear it.

My love for the three consecutive
tracks exist for the following reaso
n: To me, they are the three stages of a relationship: The relationship itself, the breakup, and moving on from it.

"The Light" follows a woman who is simply in love and willing to believe anything this man tells her. "If you say I'll be all right, I'm gonna trust you babe...I'll follow you into the light."

"Basket Case" is the memoir of a woman going through a breakup, dealing with all the emotions that follow, and how she wants to keep holding on, but knows that she mustn't. "You're begging for the truth, so I'm sayi
ng it to you. I've been saving your place, but what good does it do? Now I'm just a basket case."

"Let the Rain" is an especially interesting song to me. Not only is it rhythmically orgasmic and melodically beautiful, but it's unfathomably uplifting in a reversely uplifting way. If that makes any sense. Sara takes rain, something that is usually associated with sorrow, and brings a completely new light to it. Even though rain is t
he opposite of sun, rain changes the earth. Rain washes clean. "I wanna let the rain come down, make a brand new ground."

"Kaleidoscope Heart" is a one-minute a capella piece that is very reminiscent of Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek," but not in any way a repeat or a photocopy.

I've also recently discovered Allie Moss and Bess Rogers, Ingrid Michaelson's bandmates. So in hindsight, I guess I've known about them for a w
hile since I've seen them in concert with Ingrid twice now, but I just downloaded their solo albums on iTunes. I particularly like Allie Moss's "Corner" and "Prisoner of Hope".

That's what I am. A prisoner of hope.

I'm a good person. At least I try to be. Sometimes I feel I've been nothing but nice to people, and I get little in return. Of course, I've wronged some people, and for that I deserve nothing good, but it's about time the nice guys finish first. Yeah. I used a cliche. Sue me. Good things come to those who wait. I guess I will have to trust in that. And another. Wa-bam.

Sorry for the random rant. It came out of now

Perhaps that is what I should focus this blog on (forgive me for poor grammatical structure). Discoveries of new, good music, and a short b
reakdown of my favorite tracks. And of course some random rants sprinkled in to add flavor.

I'm fresh out of awesomeness for now.

Oh, here's a picture of me in my Halloween costume, in honor of the recent holiday:

Till next time, reader(s).




  1. allie moss ♥ bess rogers ♥ molly lecaptain♥♥♥


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