I wasn't there

Things I did today:

Made up a dance, and performed it in front of people.

Learned a hip hop dance with a "crew", filmed it, and it was awesome.

Opened a show.

Went to Perkins with the cast of said show.

Missed the Harry Potter premiere.

Laughed hysterically, because a friend blew water out of his nose laughing at me.

The previous statement lasted for about a half hour. I couldn't stop the laughter. I had tears streaming down my face.

Got kicked out of Perkins (sort of) for being too loud.

Got stared down by other patrons of Perkins as we walked to the front of the building.

Was told by waitress that my baby cry was awesome. ("Who brings a baby to Perkins at midnight, honestly?? *insert baby cry*")

Sang to Sara Bareilles.

Re-enacted Close Talkers.

Stood in a men's urinal (posing for a picture with 3 other boys with matching shirts).

Squealed when the automatic flush of the urinal went off.

Banged my head against the faucet while trying to wash my face. (Hang:Hung::Bang:Bung?)

Had an overall epic and fun night. (We 11/W11)

Stayed up way too late, and continued to resist sleep by blogging about the activities of the day.

Wished I was at the HP7 premiere.

Turned out the light, put my head to the pillow and fell asleep.

Good night, y'all.



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