Long Live English

It's funny.

I just read through my first month of blogs, and didn't recognize the person who wrote them.

I must black out when I blog. Hang on, let me pinch me, to make sure I'm awake.

Yep. Definitely awake.

And yes, I did actually pinch myself. No fakies, here.

All right, time for an actual paragraph. As I was perusing the history of this blog, I was just astounded and intrigued at how fluent I am in writing. I actually laughed out loud to myself as if I had never seen the words before, never heard the stories. Who is this person? Why can't I write like that?

But I can. And I do. It's just that I can't speak as fluently as I write. I think that when I tell stories verbally, my brain runs much faster than my mouth, and my mouth tries to catch up, so what ends up happening is a jumbly-bumbly mess of incoherent language that I make believe is a story, going off on irrelevant tangents and stumbling over words, almost as if I have speakers' block. By the time I finish the story, the punch line is completely ruined and everyone is wishing so hard that my story had ended 10 minutes ago. Realistically I don't think I've ever told a 10-minute story before...

I wish I could be who I am in writing, in speech. 'Twould be grand.

Today I was bringing an empty cart up to the third floor of the theatre building for a professor, and as I passed a bulletin board marked "Creative Writing," I stopped and looked at some of the colleges that offer MFA in Creative Writing (one of which was NYU Tisch's Musical Theatre Writing program, of which I could never be a part). I grabbed a few of the Info Request forms, not really knowing whether or not I would actually send them in, but at least the opportunity would be there if I really were to consider a future in Creative Writing, rather than or along with theatre. Could be fun.

While we're on the topic of language and writing, may I rant a bit about how the English language is dead? I'm really disappointed in humanity and our inability to write a complete sentence. I think that I have cut abbreviations out of my life entirely just to spite society. "HaHA, take that, Facebook Text Message Generation, I just left the room and told my buddy I would return in a minute! Eat shit, 'BRB'!"

And people just throwing around prepositions left and right as if they were dog treats. Prepositions can never come at the end of a sentence, folks. I don't care how pompous and stupid you think you sound, sometimes, you just have to be smart. I do it, I know, but at least I cringe and feel like a piece of my soul died after I can't find an intelligent way to correct it. Do you? I don't think so, America. I would rather die alone than marry a man who can't use proper English. As cute as it is to get a text that says, "hey qt w/u 2nite? :)," it would get old after you realize that this is actually what this person is like. (Note: I do not actually think it would be cute to receive a text saying "hey qt w/u 2nite". At all. Please never send me a text like that, ever.) Although some people's personalities don't reflect their texting tendencies. They're just lazy. I will never be lazy. I will never speak "txt".

Long live English.

I wasn't actually planning on writing a full blog tonight, it just started out slow and snowballed into something incredibly awesome and hopefully thought provoking. Feel free to shoot me a response with your thoughts and insight, either here if you follow, or on Facebook if you know me. Let's speak English together, folks!

All that being said, it is officially late. I'm still getting used to the time change, so in my mind, it is actually 1am.




  1. zomg english iz sooo awsm

    I like using text speak ironically, what are your thoughts on this?

    Do it, be a creative writer, all the cool kids are switching majors!!!

  2. I speak text, if I'm kidding around, as is the case when you use it, too, I'm sure, but I'm never going to hold an entire conversation with someone using only texting lingo, you know? Some people only text-speak, and this is a problem, I think. But perhaps it is just me :)


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