Investments and Such.

I feel at a loss for blog topics.

I chased my dog around the house for about 5 minutes for no reason today. She was really pooped afterward. No really. She pooped on the kitchen floor a few minutes after I stopped chasing her.


See what I mean?

I guess the thoughts most pressing on my mind as of late - scratch that, as of a while now - are that I feel as though my life keeps coming to the same roadblocks. And not even roadblocks, because these things don't stop me, they're just not pleasant things to come to. Over and over again. I would just really like for things to go my way for once. You can say, "Oh Molly, you shouldn't let these things get you down," or "Shouldn't you know how to act in these situations if you've been in them before?" but it's not that easy, sir or madam.

You see, I invest myself into things, emotionally. Very much. I can't even think of how to write about this, it's sort of a difficult thing to touch on. It hurts to invest so much of yourself into something, and get little or nothing out of it. Or to be betrayed by it. Or to have it leave you. My eyes are tearing, thinking about it.

Make of this what you will, I'm not going to specify anything here.

For once, I'd like someone to be concerned about my happiness. I'd like someone to care about me enough to ... I don't even know. Because if I say something like, care about me enough to change something, or care enough to do so-and-so or whatever for me, then I run the risk of sounding too selfish, or asking someone to live his life for me. That's not what I want. I just want someone to care. I don't even think I'm making sense. I know what you're thinking, you, yes you, and no, I'm not angry. I just love, that's all. I may never understand why.

Sorry. Sad blog. Hopefully nobody finds this entry accidentally hilarious.

I will write fun things again soon. Remember the poop thing at the beginning? That was sorta funny right? There is hope.

I know that I've got a life to live, and things to do, and people to meet, and those are all things to look forward to. I know that. I'm not implying here that I'm falling into a deep depression and that I'm going to hermit-ize myself and stop trying to be happy. That's not me. You all know that, if you know me. I like life and laughing a little too much for that. But I think I can say that it has been a while since I have been absolutely, truly, unadulteratedly happy. Which is an unfortunate statement for anyone to make. It's no one's fault but my own. So don't go looking into this too much.


I blame my hair.

No, not really. But wouldn't it be nice if we really could blame our problems on inanimate objects? But is hair really inanimate? It grows...but it doesn't move on its own. It's inanimate. but it is living....

Anyway. I think that's enough. It's just good to write down some of the things I think every once in a while. Even if it's public domain.




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