Cold from Hell

Merry Christmas, y'all.

At least that's how I feel this week.

I went to the mall with Kyle and Richard today, and I was sort of anxious to see if the Halloween Store was still there because I wanted to get this Bee costume for a musical advertisement (pronounced: adver-tees-ment) video for which we have an idea, but to my dismay, it had been turned into a Christmas store, called "Holi Decor". Clever.

I enjoy sushi.

This is going to be short compared to my previous blogs.

For the first time in a rather long stretch of time, there is a little unsettling-ness going on in my family. Hopefully it'll get better very soon. Otherwise, well, we'll just have to somberly deal with it when/if it happens.

I WANT CREPES. With Nutella. NOM.

I drank some tea today. Like, 2 whole mugs of it. My nose dripped all day yesterday, and I've been feeling a little scratchy, but not too bad, and what with the show coming up in a few weeks, I'd like to nip this thing in the bud before it even starts. I came into contact with a sick person last week, so that might be a factor, and I'd rather not contract any sort of sick. Not any sort. No thanks. I don't want a repeat of Songs for a New World.

Should I go into that story?

Long story short: One week before opening, nah, literally days before opening, my voice decided to take a vacation and I had to down gallons of water and tea and lemons and honey and AirBorne and Robitussin and anything else that might kick a cold's ass. Especially a cold from Hell. Cuz that's what it was. Screw the Creature from the Black Lagoon, a singer's worst nightmare is A Cold From Hell. I shudder at the thought. AmIright? Eh?

Gotta go, I got an appointment to get my feet rubbed. Thanks Mom. Ef you, 9 1/4 hour work day.

Peace out.


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