
Showing posts from March, 2011

Why the second Catherine, you ask? Well....

I'm lying in bed right now. It is roughly 2AM, and I've just arrived home after a fun night of karaoke. Here are the thoughts bouncing 'round in my head, keeping me from sleep: My full name is Molly Catherine Catherine LeCaptain. When I was in high school and was confirmed (you know, the whole church-y thing), we had to choose a confirmation name that we felt suited us best. They gave us a list of names and their meanings. My friend chose an exotic name that had something to do with music, and I wanted to choose a name that had some personal meaning too. Instead, I waited until the last minute when we needed to have a name chosen so that the plans could all be arranged in time for the actual confirmation day. Flustered, I thought to myself, "Well, my middle name is Catherine, that's about as personal as you can get without choosing your first name, right?" And so, I told the woman running our confirmation class that I had chosen Catherine to be my confirma

Crazy Snorm.

I apologize for my lack of blogs in the recent weeks. It just hasn't been much of a blog-worthy time, I suppose. Let me fill you in on some things that have happened since we've last seen each other: Not a whole lot. I'm doing a country show right now, which, in our first weekend of performances, went very well. At the end of the show we sing "God Bless the USA," and toward the end of the song people were standing up, some of them holding hands (because we all grab hands on stage). And to top it off, there's this epic moment where the music takes a dramatic beat and a drum crash, and the lights go black and then come back up a beat later when we come back in singing, and the whole audience stood up and started applauding then, because I guess they just couldn't wait until the song was over :) It was a wonderful moment in music. It's why I sing and perform. I feel as though I have a withdrawal headache, but there is nothing from which to be withdr


Tonight's dinner: Chicken wrap on a whole wheat (plus flax!) tortilla shell with: Chicken (duh) Lettuce Onions Green peppers (chopped by yours truly) Dijon mustard A smidge of garlic Shredded mozzarella cheese Raspberries. Water. Nom.  That's all. Peace. Molly

Very real thoughts from a usually reserved girl.

I hate this world. I hate this world because people will always want different things. There will always be opposing sides to every story, and no one will ever be right because we are all allowed our opinion. No matter how hard one party tries to overcome adversity, they never will as long as the majority opposes their opinion. There will always be people like Charlie Sheen who think that going on crazy drug-induced rampages is funny, and there will always be followers of people like him who don't deserve one minute of spotlight, and yet, he gets it. He gets a lot of it. He gets hour-long blocks of TV specials hosted by Dr. Drew about all the ways that Charlie Sheen is "losing" which is supposed to give us insight on how bad this person is, when in reality, it's only fueling the publicity and Mr. Sheen's desire to stay in the spotlight and prove everyone wrong about his state of mind. There will always be terrible things happening all over the world, and som

Stretchy McGee

Into the second week of gym activity, aside from the weekends, I've been going every day. Also, a little over 3 weeks sober from soda. No major changes in physical appearance yet, but the lifestyle changes are most definitely set and in place. I've also begun a new stretching regimen that will hopefully make my limited legs a little more limber in the matter of a year. (See what I did there? Nice alliteration. Don't know what alliteration means? Look it up.) The reason for my stretching? It was announced this week that the university is going to be putting on the musical Cabaret  next April, and it will be performed on the Weidner Center stage. For those of you reading this who don't know, the Weidner Center is an amazing facility that's harbored some incredible theatre events in its time, including The Phantom of the Opera, Thoroughly Modern Millie , The Music Man, Oliver! , and most recently, Spamalot . It's also presented a number of famous comedians and

A Few Tips for Gym Newbs, from a Gym Newb. Newb.

Today's dinner: Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with Lettuce Mustard A little onion A teeny-tiny bit of minced garlic for flavor. (I couldn't decide what I wanted to put on it and I put the garlic on before I realized we had an onion in the fridge) Strawberries Sugar snap peas Water Yes, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in my life, I am going on a diet. It's not so much because I want to lose weight (although I do), I just want to start eating better, so I've signed up for's Body by Glamour program. They give you helpful tips on what to eat and what to avoid on a week-by-week basis. Of course, this means I'm going to have to request new foods for the refrigerator next trip to the grocer, but they're all food that we'll all eat anyway. Things like tortillas, that we would normally use for tacos, but instead of normal tortillas, they'll be whole-wheat tortillas. I'm sort of excited to get started and keep going.  I'

Don't Be A Drag...

I need to vent about this before it leaves my brain. I was watching the "Born This Way" video again, just to sort of wrap my head around what the heck is going on in it, when I saw that one of the Highest Rated Comments said this: " ALL YOU FAGGOTS WHO HATE THIS VIDEO, IVE GOT 2 WORDS FOR YOU, FUCK OFF BECAUSE GAGA IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF SAYING NO MATTER WHO WE ARE, GOD DIDNT MESS UP AND HE MADE YOU THE WAY YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE! " What a ridiculous thing to say. And I'm not talking about the bulk of the comment. I'm referring to the third word. Lady Gaga is not only a perfect example of being true to yourself, but is also strongly against bullying and is pro-equality. Clearly, a true Gaga fan would know that, and would refrain from using such a hateful word. I hate that word. I never use it. It burns coming out of my mouth. I don't even like seeing it up there on the top of the screen, even in quotations. So, I responded as such: M