
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Great Spill

I realize it's been a rather long time since I've blogged. Sorry for that. I've been a little (to a lot) busy. I wish I had something interesting to write about, but I don' here's a made up story. Once upon a time, in the land of Ortinok, there lived a bear. His name was Puffs. Puffs really liked to paint portraits. He would sit and paint portraits of himself, he would paint portraits of his friends, he painted portraits of the cave he lived in. He liked to paint anything. One day, Puffs was painting a portrait of a sycamore tree when suddenly a giant bulldozer came and knocked down his subject. "HEY!" shouted Puffs. "What do you think you're doing? You can't do that here!" The bulldozer did not respond. It simply gave a great huff of gray smoke and went crashing back through the forest. Not amused, Puffs chased after the great bulldozer to try to stop it from harming anymore beautiful trees. He ran and ran, huffing and puffing, he

Go Go Go

I was on my way home from "Joseph and the Amazing blah blah blah" rehearsal and I decided to listen to some WPR, because sometimes I just like to listen to classical music, okay? Whatd'yoo wanna do, fight about it? So anyway. I was listening to some stuff by Offenbach, and although there were no vocals, it made me miss choral music. I don't think anybody really understands the magnitude of my love for singing in a good choir, except maybe a select few people. I love singing solo, but there is something about harmonizing, and harmonizing well that gives you a feeling you can't get when you're singing alone. I get flashes of that feeling at times when I'm singing in a school musical, or moments like today in Joseph singing "Go Go Jo" can't really compare to the moments I've had in honors choirs or singing with some crazy cats I call my friends (and they know who they are!). That's about all I had to blog about. So I guess I

Donuts for Dinner (or breakfast...)

This morning, I went to work as I normally do at 6am. But this morning was different! Because this morning, I knew it was going to rain, so the hope of being sent home early was instilled within my soul! So I kissed my bed goodbye and said I'd see it soon, and scuttled off to work. When I got to the golf course, my boss was not there (as he said he'd be late) but everyone else was shuffling around the shop, getting whatever it was that they needed to do whatever it was that they needed to do. I checked the white board, expecting to see my name next to Holes or Tee Blocks, but to my surprise, I was set to do Fairways. I usually love doing Fairways, because it doesn't involve a whole lot of moving around (except on the mower's part) and it takes up a good 3 hours time, not including the hour it takes to clean off the equipment afterward. So I get on my merry way, riding this big orange lawn mower that looks like a weird lobster with reels, and started cutting some grass.


I have so much love to give. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it all. Sometimes I ache because all this love is just sitting inside, waiting to burst out of me like a tidal wave. I give great doses of it to people. There are very few people that I can truly say that I love, that isn't to say that I don't love many people, but the people I can say that I truly love get a very special kind of love. The others I care about very much, but it... this isn't making much sense. I love you all, but in different ways. Get it? Good. I give great doses of it to animals. I love the shit out of my cat. That cuddly ball of fur that I swear can speak English. I love frogs, though I do admit that sometimes I torture them by catching them when I see them sitting in water. I love mooing at cows as I bike past them, standing in their pastures. I love geese, waddling along in their gaggles, mama and daddy leading their little ones to a nearby pond on a golf course. I go nuts at t

I Do

I've been thinking about weddings probably more than I should be. There are a few reasons for this. The obvious is that my sister is getting married in August, so we have been planning this wedding for a year and the plans have been getting more and more intense as of late. So naturally I've been thinking of things like what my dress will look like at my own wedding, what color the bridesmaids dresses will be, what songs will be sung at the ceremony. Another reason was the phone call I got from a friend who said she and another friend had been discussing musical-themed weddings, including a HAIR wedding which included an orgy and very scantily-clad people attending. Orgy aside, this got me thinking. Being the theatre person that I am, my wedding will not be a simple ceremony. My wedding, whenever it will be, to whomever it will be, is going to be a theatrical freaking production. If I could have a singing pastor who spontaneously broke out into song during the vows, or random p