
Showing posts from July, 2011

Waterpark Generalizations

I spent the weekend in Wisconsin Dells, and thought of a few things to share with you: 1) If you are an attractive man or woman with a technically good physique and do not enjoy being stared at, gawked at, or generally checked out, then you should not work at a place where your entire job is to stand around without any clothes on all day long. 2) Noah's Ark: An excuse for you to see your girlfriend half naked and wet for an entire day. 3) Men who have girlfriends, and often times when said girlfriend is sitting, standing, or walking hand in hand with them, WILL look at your boobs if you make eye contact in passing. ("Oh, you have eyes. Oh! You have boobs, too! I'm going to look at them quickly and hope you don't notice BYE!") 4) Everyone is a body builder, and if they're not, they're over the age of 60. Seriously. Even some children look like He-Man. 5) 80's classic rock ballads make an inappropriate waterpark soundtrack. 6) Wisconsin Dells

Harry Potter and That One Time Molly Weasley Called Bellatrix Lestrange a Bitch. (SPOILERS)

All right. I decided that I'm well overdue for a happy blog, since my last few have been rather depressing, and that's saying a lot since I have only really blogged twice in the last 2 or 3 months. And that is unacceptable. I apologize, blog-friends. Mmkay. So I would like to take this blog to discuss the final chapter in the Harry Potter movies. I have been greatly, greatly anticipating while simultaneously dreading this day. I love Harry Potter. I. LOVE. Harry Potter. During the week leading up to the midnight premiere, my friends Ross, Erin, Em (and for one night, Amy) and I all watched the HP movies from start to finish, except for Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince. We skipped over those because we weren't planning on watching any movies the day of the premiere (Thursday) so we thought it would be most beneficial to skip right to Deathly Hallows Part 1 so we'd be all up to speed. Come Thursday, Erin and Ross and I went to the mall to find the fini
I need to get away. For good. I have to go somewhere new where nobody knows who I am. So that I can start over fresh. I used to think that I could be happy being who I am forever. But who I am is not who I used to be.