
Showing posts from May, 2011

Blog Vomit.

I'm trying to write a song. I'd like to write many songs. And someday I'd like to put them all together and make a little CD out of them. But I get distracted and then I end up watching the season finales of American Idol and Modern Family and the first episode of America's Next Top Model and then I wind up with a blank Word document and another notch on the slacker bedpost. That wasn't even a cliche. That was poor usage of a cliche. I'm definitely not using that in a song. Or maybe I should. "You're just another notch on the bedpost of life Because you're slacking off. That means you're lazy. And you're probably pretty ugly too. But that's just a rude assumption. I take it back. Yeah you're just a notch on the bedpost of life." There. Done. #1 record, here I come. I think if I were to actually write an entire album, it would turn out a lot like something Kimya Dawson would write. If you don't know who

100 posts and still going at a mildly mediocre strength!!!!

So, here she be, ladies and gents. My 100th blog post. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want something more like... MY 100TH BLOG POST!!!!!!!!!! ...that? You know, I kept debating whether to make this an occasion, a big deal, a huge, awesome blog about something really super cool, but in the spirit of tradition, I'm just gonna let my mind wander and see what comes of it, and perhaps we'll meet a few surprises on the way (and no, they're not cute men. Wah). Remember last year when I was doing all that spring cleaning, and finding loads of memories and deciding whether to throw them away or not? Well, I cleaned out my car this week, I mean, cleaned it. Even the trunk *GASP*. And I found these notebooks. I didn't really recognize them for what their subject matter may have been in their time of my using them, so I curiously flipped through the crinkled pages (they've been sitting in there for just about 2 years now) and was very pleasantly surprised with wh

Perhaps you heard?

I am almost to my 100th blog. It is earlier than I thought it was. It was not as late as I thought it was going to be. As I was watching "Brothers and Sisters" on ABC with my parents, a Special News Report interrupted what would have been a very dramatical scene toward the end of the episode between Ally McBeal and BeanPole McGee. "Must be something important if it's interrupting the show," my dad said, not really expecting much. But what they announced was actually quite shocking. Perhaps you heard? Osama bin Laden was killed. Someone tried to make the connection that Hitler also died on May 1, but according to what I gathered from the news, OBL was not killed today. He was killed sometime this week and it was just announced today? Could be wrong. My initial thoughts were, "Oh, wow!" It was like the day they captured an older, much hairier version of Saddam Hussein. So he's dead. So thousands of lives have been avenged for