It's a Marvelous Memory...

Dear Readers,

School has started. Which probably means my blogging will dwindle from about 1 blog a month to...once every 2 or 3.

I'll start with Megan's wedding.

It was probably the best time I've ever had. The ceremony itself was beautiful. Our dresses looked great on all of the bridesmaids, the flower bouquets were beautiful, and everything just came together really nicely. It definitely reinvigorated my desire to someday get married.

The dinner reception was fun. The DJ, who was a younger guy, came up to me at the head table, asked if I liked to sing, and upon my saying yes, announced to everyone the rules of getting the bride and groom to kiss, which were this: Sing a song with the word love in it. I was his guinea pig to demonstrate how it worked. I HATE singing impromptu, so naturally I was furiously shaking and turning bright red. But I wanted to show the DJ he had picked the wrong person to try to embarrass, and after a moment of hesitation, I belted out a rendition of "I Will Always Love You". Eat that, DJ man.

Then if that weren't bad enough, I had to give a speech. I had written it that morning while we were all getting our hair done at the salon (the same salon we'd gotten our nails done the night before). But I stood up after the best man finished his speech, picked up my pile of hotel paper, and gave a speech that was "the most beautiful thing" my dad had ever heard. My voice started quivering toward the end, so I guess I had a lot of people tearing up.

The dance was the best part. The DJ played a bunch of songs per my dad's request, including The Time Warp, Paradise by the Dashboard Lights, Kiss Me I'm Irish, The Whistling Gypsy Rover, Star Trekkin', and my personal favorite, Dead Puppies. Plus there was about an hour block of 90s boy band era music. And Gaga. I requested Gaga and he played it right away.


Auditions for the mainstage season were this week. The musical is The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, which is one of my favorite shows (I've seen it twice in Chicago) and I was cast as Rona :) So I'm very much looking forward to that!

My mom and I might go look at apartments today. Maybe.

My boyfriend is finally home from Alaska! YAY!

That's all I've got at this juncture. Until next time!




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