
Showing posts from May, 2017

"You Don't Need to Lose Weight"...

There's such a stigma around getting fit. It makes people roll their eyes and think, “Okay, we get it, you’re on a ‘fitness journey,’ shut up about it already.” Of course this isn’t always the case, but I see it often enough that it’s daunting to want to share anything about my own “journey.” I find that this is often more of an issue for women - especially those who are already “thin.” I often hear people say, "But you don't need to lose weight," or, "I think it might mostly be in your head." Or worst of all: "But I prefer a woman with a little meat on her bones." And that last one isn't to say that I judge women of any stature in any way, (literally) shape, or form. But when someone says those words to someone who has a goal to be healthy, or is already physically fit and/or muscular, these words can be so discouraging. It’s as if they don’t understand that you don’t get to just stop working out and eating healthy foods once you hit your...