Why I hate January.
Have you ever had leftovers sitting in your fridge, in its little styrofoam to-go box, waiting to be finished, and for the entire day, all you can think about is how badly you want to consume these leftovers, and then when you get home you pop them in the microwave, take a bite, and they are just not as satisfying as you'd hoped they'd be? It's like the worst feeling in the world. That just happened to me. I actually feel rather vomitous right now after eating that leftover chicken alfredo. Blast. Anyway. HAPPY 2012, Y'ALL! I'm blogging because I've been forced to think about one subject that I feel the need to explain: I hate January. I feel as though I've explained this already in a previous blog entry, but I don't give a shit and I'm sure you don't either, so here goes. There is nothing special about January. Yes, it is the first month of the year, so that gives it a little credibility, but aside from that, what does January have...